
June 23, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Y’all, Juanita confesses that it is unseemly, rude, and downright embarrassing to be enjoying a ringside seat at the unfolding of  Newt’s sorry soul.

“I should not take delight in the pure and total degradation of a man, but I know that I must have led a good life for the Lord to let me watch both Tom DeLay and Newt Gingrich wallow in burning hubris almost Shakespearean in content.  And that it has been a slooooow slide into the pits of laughingstock for both of them has made it all the more rewarding,” she confesses.

“I’d like to think I’m enjoying it even more than Newt’s two ex-wives.  I doubt it, though.”

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