Newsweek is Committing Journalism

October 04, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita opened her purse (which is basically the size of Cleveland, Ohio) after lunch at Handy Hank’s Hot Hamburgers and pulled out a copy of Newsweek Magazine.

“Newsweek has gone all socialist on us,” she says sarcastically.  “They are committing journalism right out in the open for God and Aunt Bessie to see.”

It seems that Newsweek looked at some poll numbers in depth.  And they found out that —

But the NEWSWEEK Poll’s most revealing finding is that despite months of media coverage insisting that voters are “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore,” anger is unlikely to decide this year’s elections. For starters, self-described angry voters constitute only 23 percent of the electorate, and there’s no reason to believe that they’re more likely to cast ballots in November than their calmer peers.

“I guess I need a tee-shirt that says, ‘Calmer Peer,'” she grins.  “It’s the same 23% who hated Clinton, thinks that giving Paris Hilton a tax break is what this country needs, and can’t spell worth a flip.”

“But the best part is yet to come,” she smiles as she continues reading aloud from the article.

Fifty-three percent of voters see Obama’s unemotional approach to politics—his “coolness”—as a positive, versus only 39 percent who don’t.

“And then there’s this,” she continues with glee.

The president, for example, appears to be a neutral force rather than a negative one. His approval rating stands at 48 percent, roughly where it has remained since January of this year, and far better than where George W. Bush stood before the 2006 midterms (33 percent) or where Bill Clinton stood in 1994 (36 percent).

“And they also say that voters trust Democrats over Republicans ‘to handle pretty much every problem currently facing the country.’  Like that should come to a shock to anyone who has ever watched John Boehner or Mitch McConnell on C-Span,” she says in that very sarcastic voice of her’s.

“Remember when these guys called themselves The Silent Majority?  Well, Babe, now they are The Very Loud Very Small Minority,” she says, while trying to find a tee-shirt with that on it.

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