News To Make You Smile
There’s another downside to being a conservative man – women think you’re an idiot.
Conservative men living in President Donald Trump’s Washington DC are complaining that liberal women in the city are unfairly judging them for their political beliefs.
Multiple conservatives who talked with Washingtonian say that they have had more trouble getting dates in the wake of Trump’s election in 2016 — and even if they aren’t Trump supporters, they are being tarred with the same brush.
Message to any conservative male: Yeah, dude, you’re a dork, you smell funny, you have no sense of humor, you like to starve children, your pants don’t fit, you hate old people and veterans, denying health care to sick people is your hobby, you have stinkin’ taste in music, you shower with your cell phone, you want to control our bodies, you think your winkies entitle you to a bigger salary than we get, you believe trade wars are fun, and we have strong suspicions that the leader of your pack is not even human.
That’s why we don’t date you, much less procreate with you. Go date Tomi Lauren and ask her to stop screeching.
Or, you could finally come out of the closet and date men. No, wait. That won’t work. Proud gay men carry around 11 foot poles so they won’t have to touch you with a 10 foot one.