New Republican Strategy: Criticism Is Not Nearly As Effective As Sabotage

November 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It doesn’t take long to figure out that the Republicans are highly critical of President Obama.  Even after spreading the claim that Barack Obama is Ground Zero for the Ebola Virus, he still remains more popular than they are.  It’s like he’s rubber and they’re glue.

So, they have switched strategies.  Sabotage.

Just six years ago, Congress passed a massive infrastructure bill with near unanimous support: 412-8 in the House, 91-4 in the Senate.

So committed to cause of infrastructure was that Republican-controlled Congress in 2005, that they weren’t concerned that some of the 6,361 earmarked projects may not have constituted the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars.

But today? At a time when the need for jobs is painfully greater than six years ago?

A Democratic president proposes an infrastructure bill to create jobs. And every Senate Republican filibusters it.

A Democratic president proposal an infrastructure bill that does not increase the deficit. And every Senate Republican filibusters it.

A Democratic president proposes an infrastructure bill with no earmarks at all. And every Senate Republican filibusters it.

A Democratic president incorporates a bipartisan proposal for an independent infrastructure bank precisely so decisions about funding projects can be made based on the merits instead of on crude earmark politics. And every Senate Republican filibusters it.

Republicans have a dream:  they await the day when a neglected bridge falls on a crowd of homeless people living underneath it so they can blame Obama twice.


Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

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