New Record!

November 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here it is – living history.

Just shuddup about the Democrats having a circular firing squad because the Republicans came along and stole your thunder.

In 12 hours, record time, the Bushes said Donald Trump was worse than having the mumps on Christmas Day and Trump immediately fired back that the Bushes suck bigly because … well surely he can think of something in a minute.

It started when both the Bushes admitted they had not voted for Trump.  Then Daddy Bush called him a “blowhard.”  And then Baby Bush says that Trump, “doesn’t know what it means to be president.”  You know, like Baby Bush ever got the hang of it.  However, for the first time ever, I am not disagreeing with the Bushes.

So, within hours, the White House responds

“If one presidential candidate can disassemble a political party, it speaks volumes about how strong a legacy its past two presidents really had,” the White House said in a statement.

The White House also hit the former Bush presidents on the Iraq war, calling it “one of the greatest foreign policy mistakes in American history.”

Although I doubt he wrote this, Trump does have a point there.

So, it’ll continue tomorrow morning when Trump tweets again.  And then it will continue for days and days after that.

A fight with the Bushes?  Really, Trump? That’s the best you can do?  Here, Trump, please meet Karl Rove.  He hates you.


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0 Comments to “New Record!”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Little late to rescue Jebya, don’t ya think, boys?

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Please. Let me rephrase that: oh dawg no! Someone please tell me that this isn’t the Bush opening gambit to dust off the dummy for a Jeb Redux 2020.

  3. It makes me a little sick to say this, but I would take Jeb. over Traitor Don the con in a heart beat.

  4. two crows says:

    In other words, “Oh yeah? Well, I’m rubber n you’re glue! So there! Nyah!”

    Whose turn was it to watch him today, anyway?

  5. Tilphousia says:

    Hmm, let’s see. Perhaps the Bushes will distract traitor trump from Mueller. That at least would result in a new series of obnoxious trumper tweets that do not vilify Hillary, Rep Waters or Sen Warren or any other lady traitor trump and his sycophants hate at that moment for telling the truth. One would think that with approval ratings in the thirties, trump could find things to do that actually fell within his job. But oh I forgot! Trump doesn’t know what that is cause he’s an ignorant, uneducated moron.

  6. Going after the Bushes? Really! How hard can that be! Plus the Bushes actually have a cheering section whereas tRump’s is thinning out massively.

  7. My enemy’s enemy is my …?

  8. For the first, and likely only, time in my life I have to offer props to Dubya. He left the WH knowing his approval ratings were in the toilet and took himself back to Texas and KEPT HIS MOUTH SHUT. He only reappeared to open his “library” and show off his paintings. Even with the guffaws that those prompted, he secretly painted a bunch of portraits of veterans and published them in a book. Not a word of criticism of Obama or any of his immediate predecessors, for that matter, either.

    I have no hope the Orange Moron will redeem himself one iota.

  9. Yeah, but they’re all right.

    Yes, Baby Bush kept his mouth shut for a good while, but my stomach turned when he started painting pictures of wounded soldiers. How in the FRACK do you think they got wounded, George? Maybe in a war you started for NO GOOD REASON?

  10. @Rhea: Atonement?

  11. Rove?
    Hey, how about Cheney! I bet they are in competition as to how much either one hates tRump.
