New Record!
Here it is – living history.
Just shuddup about the Democrats having a circular firing squad because the Republicans came along and stole your thunder.
In 12 hours, record time, the Bushes said Donald Trump was worse than having the mumps on Christmas Day and Trump immediately fired back that the Bushes suck bigly because … well surely he can think of something in a minute.
It started when both the Bushes admitted they had not voted for Trump. Then Daddy Bush called him a “blowhard.” And then Baby Bush says that Trump, “doesn’t know what it means to be president.” You know, like Baby Bush ever got the hang of it. However, for the first time ever, I am not disagreeing with the Bushes.
So, within hours, the White House responds …
“If one presidential candidate can disassemble a political party, it speaks volumes about how strong a legacy its past two presidents really had,” the White House said in a statement.
The White House also hit the former Bush presidents on the Iraq war, calling it “one of the greatest foreign policy mistakes in American history.”
Although I doubt he wrote this, Trump does have a point there.
So, it’ll continue tomorrow morning when Trump tweets again. And then it will continue for days and days after that.
A fight with the Bushes? Really, Trump? That’s the best you can do? Here, Trump, please meet Karl Rove. He hates you.