New Mexico: Texas’ Pressure Valve

March 07, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When things get so nuts in Texas that you think the whole place is going to implode on itself into a big old heap of whining conservative crazy, it is New Mexico’s job to release a little steam off of Texas.

It appears to be working.

CLOVIS, N.M. (AP) — A former New Mexico mayor who called President Barack Obama “the carnal manifestation of evil” and said Obama’s election was part of a CIA conspiracy has been elected to his former job, according to unofficial results.

Not only that, but the damfool got 63% of the votes.  Hell, he’s more popular than Mitt and Rick combined!

His name is David Lansford and he belongs to the ATLAH Media Network in New York, which appears to be an insane asylum.  They refer to President Obama as “The Long Legged Mack Daddy.”  That may be a compliment, but I seriously doubt it being as how they are also connected to the Moral Nation Radio Network, where they appear to broadcast in German.

I’d wash your hands after you leave that link.  Luckily, I have these handiwipes that Fenway fran left for me when she visited last month.

Thank you, New Mexico.  That gives us another 24 hours of Rick Perry without one of horsemen appearing.

Thanks to David B for the heads up!

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