Never Forget

December 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Never Forget”

  1. I don’t know how the parents and relatives of those slaughtered innocents have coped, but I grieve with them and pray that stronger gun control measures can someday be a reality.

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    It still hurts my heart.

    Be kind to everyone you meet. You never know how people suffer deep inside. One kind word can make a difference in someone’s life.

  3. Austinhatlady says:

    I second Maryrelle. Never had children, but I do have three god-daughters whom I adore, cherish, and protect. Four, seven, and thirteen. Can’t imagine. Just can’t imagine.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    I agree with Maryelle, Lorraine and Austinhatlady … I have 2 sons in CA and, thank God, they are alive and well!
    And, yesterday, in CO another high school student went after a teacher, seriously wounded a girl and wounded another student, but not seriously. I am sooooo glad I have no kids in school anymore.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    Demoted from the debate team is reason enough to try killing someone:

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    While we cannot begin to comprehend the grief these parents are experiencing, we can absorb some of it by simply giving them the legislation they have repeatedly and bravely requested. Background checks and a limit on assault rifles with stricter limits on magazine size would be a good beginning. The GOP mentions personable responsibility, for which I thank them, so how about a law making gun owners personally responsible for the guns they own? Christmas is a perfect time for Congress to come together and absorb some of this pain. So please, before next Christmas or the next tragedy, let’s get this done.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Over on a different site,they featured photo display of the 20 first graders slaughtered and called them the Sandy Hook Angels. I suggested surrounding each Angel with a like size photo of Wayne LaPierre and a wingnut congressman or woman so as never to forget who stands behind the savage killings of innocent children. You can’t shame the shameless.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    I like your idea, PKM. Let’s set a goal. WE may or may not make it but if we are aiming for it we are sure more likely to get it to happen. How is Wendy Davis on the gun control thing? i know she is against nut cases but lots of folks in Texas are for gun control, esp. if explained very clearly and told the advantages. Never take anything for granted.

  9. Aggieland liz says:

    Why can’t we stop calling it “gun control” or “gun restrictions” legislation and START calling it GUN SAFETY legislation. On the theory that the pen is mightier than the sword, you know?

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Wendy Davis appears to be a moderate on gun control. Midway down the article: “Davis on gun shows

    Hirsch of Abbott’s campaign emailed us citations from news stories saying that as a member of the Fort Worth City Council in 2000, Davis supported making sure all buyers faced background checks at gun shows in city-owned facilities and that she recently told the Texas Tribune she still held that view.”

    But we don’t have to go it alone as is very well researched and prepared. Maybe we should contact Wendy Davis and ask her if she supports the Brady Campaign.

    Organization, organization, organization and persistence will accomplish our goal. We owe that to the children and their families.

  11. I don’t understand the complete insensitivity of those who are against GUN SAFETY (thanks liz). Apparently they don’t have the mental mechanisms to empathize and sympathize. Or they have hearts much more than two sizes too small. My Marine reservist who served in “Mission Accomplished” Iraq is now a teacher. Every time there is another school shooting I realize this could happen in his school and selfishly worry for him all over again.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    RA, you are not being selfish. While your son was serving our country, you experienced all the worry a parent should ever suffer. Be proud of your Marine and Teacher for his double service to our country, RA! That you do not feel safer that he is in a classroom than he was in Iraq, speaks volumes on what needs to be done. The selfish people are those who stupidly place their 2nd Amendment rights ahead of the safety of children and other victims.

    Gun safety would only ask that people wanting guns pass a reasonable background check, weapons manufacturers produce safe products and place a limit on high capacity magazines. Anyone needing a 15 round clip to hunt probably had Rand Paul do their optic surgery.

    Is it asking too much of the gun enthusiasts to know where their guns are and maintain their arsenal in a responsible fashion? GOP claims to be the party of personal responsibility. Let’s call their bluff. Remind them for whom James Brady worked, when he was shot. Maybe we can convince the GOP to take one for The Gipper.

  13. Thanks for this post, JJ. This is a sad and tragic anniversary.

  14. NBC news had a story that support for stricter gun controls had dropped to its lowest level since the Newtown massacre.

    That was the headline and first paragraph.

    Second paragraph says that support for stricter gun laws is STILL FIFTY-TWO PERCENT, which when I went to school was a majority.

    Only 8% said the laws should be less strict, but in the past year two-thirds of 109 new gun laws loosened the laws.

    The will of the people is not being heard.

    I agree that we need to focus on gun safety and gun owner responsibility, because “gun control” has become a knee-jerk term.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, I have no clue from which RWNJ generated cloud NBC found those manipulated numbers. On the day we were meant to memorialize children lost to gun violence, once again we were gobsmacked by more senseless tragedy.

    But I cede your point and that of Aggieland liz. The issue is gun safety. The GOP loves to decry “personal responsibility.” For once I agree with them, if they will hold the NRA, gun manufacturers and gun toters to some semblance of sane decency.

    A little reminder to the 2nd Amendment stalwarts, remember the arms under the Constitution then.

  16. I am so naive. I honestly believed this horrible tragedy was going to bring about some sensible, compassionate gun safety laws. Nope.

  17. Thanks for your words of support and encouragement Polite Kool Marxist. I am proud of my son, what he did and what he is doing. He is a social studies teacher who is really trying to make a difference by educating, not training, his students. Though his school seems relatively safe by most standards I’m enough of a realist to know it could happen there as well as anywhere. So, yes, it does speak volumes on what needs to be done.

  18. Don in Huaco says:

    This is a bad memory for the country and gun laws should be modified, agreed. But if Wendy comes out for gun control she will lose. When she wins she can perhaps work within the confines of state government to make some common sense changes but for the campaign she has to be pro-gun to survive. My $0.02.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Quote and point of the day from poetess Yolande Cornelia “Nikki” Giovanni: “There’s nothing in the Second Amendment that says every fool has to have a gun.”

  20. TexasEllen says:

    Safety is a magic word. So is Responsibility. As in “Responsible gun owners insure the safety of their weapons by securing them from small children and crazy people.”
