Neera Tanden

November 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Trump couldn’t get cabinet members confirmed, he’d just appointed “acting” members and go on like nothing happened.

So, when John Cornyn uses his communication director to announce what the senate’s gonna do …



Oh really? Right out of the box all fresh and new? She has zero chance?

First off, John, you better make sure you can field a team before you start betting on the score.

Second off, how different is she than Mick Mulvaney?  I mean, other than Mulvaney being political hack.

And in the popcorn popper the president calls his cabinet the current Acting Director of Office of Management and Budget is Russell Vought. Today. But who the hell knows about tomorrow.

And lastly, John, I wouldn’t be talking big about somebody hurting your tender little feelings and now the whole country has to pay. You’re starting to sound like Trump.



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0 Comments to “Neera Tanden”

  1. Communications’ directors’ s’hould know how to us’e apostrophes.’

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    John, John, John. You voted for Bitsy DeVile. That disqualifies you from any semblance of knowing the difference between qualified and unqualified any time in the near future, say at least 50 years. You have your paw prints all of that rubber stamp Moscow Mitch passed around for the fu king’s judicial nominees. Care to discuss how many of those were rated as Not Qualified by the ABA? Your “advise and consent” role was buried under your hypocrisy for 4 years, so don’t even start now.

  3. charles phillips says:

    Yeah, what PKM say!

    And, ah, F@#K YOU, JOHN! Just for clarity, of course.

  4. I can already hear the hens clucking in the Republican chicken coop when President Biden starts signing Executive Orders.

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Agree about Cornyn, but Tanden opposes Medicare for All, so I’m not totally sold on her. Though blasting Cornyn IS a point in her favor!

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And I see Cornyn is all hot to trot on seeing tax returns (Maybe we should dig into his). Not surprising as you’d expect that from repugnantican hypocrites like him.
    On a lighter note, we’re toasting the certification of swing states that make Biden-Harris the next president-VP. Obviously the theatrics will continue with Giuliani and Sidney, but outside of rogue state legislatures doing something crazy (which will fail), the fat lady has sung, loudly.

  7. Many people have said that Biden should just make acting appointments, since Trump made that the normal process. But I heard a suggesting that goes one better. Every time Rethuglicans block a vote on a center-left nominee like Neera Tanden, Biden should install a far left radical as the acting official. If they won’t approve sane choices like Tanden and Cecilia Rouse, give then acting purple unicorn Trotskyites.

  8. Cornyn is so disgusting and such a coward. There has to be a price to be paid for people like him who are such wimps and a so afraid of this lunatic in the WH. I cannot accept that Texas are so dumb but every indication is I am wrong. WTF happened to our State? or America for that matter?

  9. Sandridge says:

    OT: Of note, another Trumpnazi, Dr. Scott [J Mengele] Atlas, AKA- the Angel of Death, die Todesengel [or Dr. Herdimmunity], has left his WH post as Herr Twitler’s chief medical policymaker.
    Between these two murderous sonuvabitches, hundreds of thousands of unnecessary COVID-45 deaths have occurred. We really need some Nuremberg-like judicial follow-up in the coming years.

  10. Bill F, I like the way you think.

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I second AK Lynne’s motion. If “leaders” like Cornyn bring torches, I’ll be happy to bring gasoline.

    p.s. Steve from Beaverton#6…I believe the fat lady has sung “bigly”.

  12. Captain Dan says:

    The expulsion of the Trumpster could the signaling that maybe there is a god and and the last four years were a form of purgatory designed to enlighten the USA that we can repudiate evil political parties and stupidity among the electorate and create “the more perfect union” as stated in the preamble to the
    Constitution of our USA!

  13. Frank McCormick says:

    Now that he’s been re-elected he can once again show his true colors (and stupidity) rather than the burnished lies in his campaign commercials.

  14. YELLOWSTONE says:

    In reply to Bill F. #7

    I think your comment is spot on.

    Trump’s right-wing acting appointments were selected to score points with his base and make “liberals cry”. They were mostly incompetent toadies who were selected for their absolute servility.

    At first, Biden should do the right thing by giving the system a chance to work but failing in that he should appoint aggressive progressives that the conservatives will hate. To be honest they will oppose anyone he selects. If he plays “nice” with them they will eat his lunch.

  15. Harry Eagar says:

    She is reported to have removed thousands of tweets.

    That sounds like an error to me, but having thousands of tweets sounds like an error, too

  16. After all the verbal and written crap tRump has thrown from his cage for 4 years, this gal is the epitome of what tRump does? No way, Faye! The more the invertebrates in the R party condemn her, the more likely they are to be taken down as fools on this point. I predict a sudden release of “hot mike” **ap these fools threw when they should have kept their mouths shut!

  17. Somebody over at Daily Kos came up with a brilliant plan:

    1] Biden should put out his slate of people he wants to nominate to the various cabinet positions and as department heads.

    2] Then he should keep his back-ups in his vest pocket.

    3] When McConnell drags his feet or simply tables all his nominations across the board, Biden can pull that second list out of his pocket, “OK, here are the people I will appoint as my acting advisors and department heads.”

    3a] He then unveils his list: the group of people the R senators simply WILL NOT accept in those positions. People like Barack and Michelle Obama, for instance. Elizabeth Warren. Stacey Abrams. Bernie Sanders. Etc. Etc. Etc.

    4] Mitch will fall all over himself confirming Biden’s original picks.

    Remind me never to tick off the person who wrote that DKos diary.
