NBC Makes HUGE Mistake

March 25, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: Flamethrower, Huckabee, Insurrection, Trump

NBC pulled a fast one this weekend, hiring Trumpist liar Ronna McDaniel, former RNC chair liar and insurrectionist, as a paid political “analyst”.  She debuted on Meet the Press yesterday and it was a Shit Show with McDaniel lying while tripping over her lies while Kristen Welker did her best to hold her feet to the fire.  McDaniel’s performance was typical just repeating herself while pretending to be the slightest bit credible.  The real star of the show, though, as Chuck Todd took a flamethrower to not just McDaniel, but NBC itself.  He told Welker that the bosses of NBC owed her an apology for making her interview such a prolific liar.  Have a look:

It gets better, though.  Joe Scarborough launched this morning condemning NBC and Nicole Wallace followed suit.  The blowback is so bad the MSNBC has told parent company NBC that they won’t give McDaniel airtime on any show.  Boom.

Keep in mind that McDaniel chaired the RNC up until TFG’s daughter in law took over 2 weeks ago.  She led the way on The Big Lie, played a key role in the fake elector scam and tried to get Michigan to not certify the 2020 election.  She’s essentially an unindicted co-conspirator in the insurrection; rather than being on NBC, she should be on bail for federal felony charges.  She’s the worst of the worst, and Todd was right – you can’t trust a word out of her mouth.  NBC has made a huge mistake and I predict a short tenure for Ms. McDaniel at the network.

0 Comments to “NBC Makes HUGE Mistake”

  1. thatotherjean says:

    I actually agree wholeheartedly with Chuck Todd? It’s practically a miracle!

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    WTF were they thinking? My guess is a sad attempt to get more viewers (while they lose more than they gain). Jeff Tiedrich pretty much mirrors your comments, El Jefe, but with a bit more colorful language.


  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    WTF were they thinking? My guess is they thought they’d gain more viewers than they’d lose. Jeff Tiedrich pretty much agreed with your comments only used a bit more colorful language. As usual.

  4. If NBC wanted yet another paid conservative “analyst” on their networks, they should have gone with Liz Cheney. At least she has some credibility, even if I don’t agree with her on 99% of her views.

  5. Further turning the media into propaganda mills.
    Suggest that y’all send NBC ‘News’ an email to the effect that you won’t be watching any of the NBC networks until Ronna is gone.

    NBC is actually made up of a number of networks, so they all need to be boycotted :
    Bravo, CNBC, E!, MSNBC, NBC, Oxygen, Peacock, SYFY, Telemundo, Universal Kids, Universo, USA
    [just copy and paste them into your email].

    This is the link for NBC News:


    This seems to be the best email contact for this purpose :
    “Submit feedback or report an error
    To report an error or comment on NBCNews.com, please email:”


    Locally around here [San Antonio area], NBC channel 4 and FOX channel 29 are both operated by the Sinclair media group, a notorious RW outfit. They share a ‘news’ production department.
    The only program on them that I ever watch is “Meet the Press” on Sundays.
    Chuckles was a feckless POS when he hosted it, but he seems to have grown a little bit of a spine on there Sunday. The new host Kristen Welker, from what I’ve watched so far, is a tool.
    And don’t get me started on Tim Tool Russert.

    They’re all going in the tank for Komrade Donnei Diaperump.

    For the view from the guy with no flyingfucks to give:


  6. Harry Eagar says:

    My local paper, the Carroll County Times, is part of the Baltimore Sunpapers, recently taken over by a Sinclair exec and a RW kook.

    I expected bad but so far the changes have been slightly good.

  7. After the uproar the bosses at MSNBC have agreed that they will never allow Ronna to appear on anything according to Maddow last night.

  8. Katherine says:

    I remember Ms JJ having plenty to say about Rona a while back, including what she spent campaign money on.

  9. Most news is now owned by BIG money, so most news reflects their wants not ours. to many lies, way short on honesty.

  10. Maybe NBC thought a disgruntled former employee would spill some beans while on the air?

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Reports are that NBC retracted their hiring of insurrection Rona and she promptly hired an attorney. She’ll certainly try to ring some moola from NBC. Like I said yesterday, what the …. were they thinking.

  12. Holy Crap!
    Noted non-churchgoer Komrade Donnei is now grifting MAGAot BIBLES!

    “Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible.”

    Watch your bible thumping neighbors fall all over themselves to buy a couple of the “God Bless The USA Bible”, which also comes with copies of:
    Handwritten chorus to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood.
    United States Constitution
    Declaration of Independence
    Bill of Rights
    The Pledge of Allegiance.

    Goddamn, ain’t ‘Murrika great?

  13. Sandridge, do you think anyone who gets one of those Bibles can actually read? What a waste of decent paper!

  14. maggie @11, They’re all delusional and living in a fantasy world anyway, it hardly matters if they’re literate.
    They mostly watch FuxNooz, OAN, NewsMax, and the megachurch TV channels, so they’re very well informed otherwise…


  15. maggie @11, “What a waste of decent paper!

    My lede covered that: “Holy Crap!”…

  16. For those of you into financial stuff, here’s where to analyze and track Komrade Donnei’s other MAGA grift operation.
    His new company “Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., just listed [IPO] on the NASDAQ as: Common Stock (DJT).


    It’s up ~21%, on a volume of ~55mil shares, so it’s been pretty active. Seems to be getting more active in off-hour trading, the MAGAots must have gotten goosed.

    Trump’s latest ‘pump and dump’ scheme should be fun to watch. It would be a great ‘short’ target, but shorting it won’t be permitted for months.
    Despite the MSM headlines, it did little on its first day [IPO], today.
    I expect it to catch a dead cat bounce for a little while, and then crash like a Yugo hitting a semi.

  17. thatotherjean says:

    And it appears to be over. There are reports that Ms. McDaniel has been canned, already—but not before the folks on MSNBC threw a fit over her hiring. Good for them, and shame on NBC for pulling such a stupid stunt as to hire her at all.

  18. Harry Eagar says:

    Sandridge @ 17

    Up 21% on opening is pretty low compared to recent IPOs (not that this is an IPO, technically).

    I am tempted to buy 100 shares so that when trump asks his tame board to waive his lockout, I can sue for misfeasance etc.

    I’d need a lawyer to work on spec tho’.

  19. Harry Eagar @19, Agreed, it’s pretty lame, like everything T. Donnei ain’t gonna get much out of this latest grift, methinks he’ll be hugely disappointed.

    I just used ‘IPO’ because it’s a more common term, for the kinda complicated ‘merger’ of several sketchy entities resulting in ‘DJT’.

    In afterhours trading it’s slowing on volume, and now drifting lower [tending w/more seller than buyer volume].
    Tomorrow should be interesting.

    Would be a nice skinning game, but I’m thinking that most MAGAots don’t even have the scratch to pump it up that much; and no rational investors are going to bite for it.
    It would be fun to skin [read: ‘gut’] them though…


  20. Ronna lasted about half a Scaramucci.

  21. John in Lake Oswego says:

    Is it time for a “Ronna, you insolent slut!” Or a “Render unto Cesar the things that are Cesar’s”. Judgement not being one!

  22. Harry Eagar says:

    Sandridge @ 20

    The volume and price movements do tend to confirm the preopening assessment that pros wouldn’t touch this with a bargepole.

  23. Joyce Pieritz says:

    Half a scaramucci!! Made me spit out my morning tea all over the cat !!!!

  24. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Just what insurrection Ronna wants, money without working (and the potential for lots of money via defamation suits), ammunition with magats against the lib media, and likely a spot as a loudmouth on a RW conspiracy “news” outlet. I’m sure they’ll say besides bringing down a bridge in Maryland, Biden is behind her firing at NBC. I’m almost inclined to say NBC deserves this for such a stupid move (hiring her).
    Imagine all the lawyers that will make a bunch of money off this.

  25. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And wow, what a sweet deal for another indicted felon politician masquerading as a lawyer and officer of the court.
    Way to go Texas legal system, again-

  26. G Foresight says:

    Historian Timothy Snyder: “So this [hiring McDaniel] is like a trial run for NBC and everyone else to say okay, we’re going to practice appeasing a dictator and then when it comes, we’ll be better at it.”


  27. AlanInAustin says:

    I can’t figure out how they thought they would monetize her presence on the network. No typically liberal viewer would watch her program and no conservative/GQPer would be caught dead watching MSNBC. The poor ratings would mean no advertising.

    Did nobody at the network not even think this through?!?!
