
September 19, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Q-Anon is always telling you to “do your research”?

If you’re like me, you are pretty damn pissed off at people who won’t get a vaccine or wear a mask.  They are the only thing keeping us indoors right now, where we are suffering from glittering catastrophic ennui. 

Since the Q-Anon people are always telling us to “do your research,” I did.  What I have discovered is that a sure fire way to get Covid and die from it is to be a radio talk show host or a politician who preaches against getting the vaccine. It seems like every day there is a new one, especially in Florida. It’s kinda like justice and karma got married and had a baby.

The host of Real Science Radio, Bob Enyart, age 62 broadcasting from Denver, warned all his listeners not to take the vaccine.  He filed lawsuits against the mandate and repeatedly called the vaccine a plot.

Datona Beach’s own Marc Bernier, 65, passed away at the end of August after using his radio show to call Dr. Fauci “power tripping lying freak.”

Dick Farrel, another host from Florida, died after railing against the vaccine.  His family, however, says he changed his mind after he got Covid. Yeah, too late.

Also, in the same article, Phil Valentine, talk show host in Tennessee, loudly opposed vaccines until he, too, contracted the virus.

Business Insider list seven more talk show hosts who have bitten the dust.

Although not a talk show host, the latest one was pretty damn classic.  They formed a whole political group in Florida to raise money for candidates who oppose vaccines.  Because they are a political group, they have to file reports with the Federal Elections Commission reporting who donated to them and how they spent the money.  They couldn’t do that this month because their treasurer died … of covid.  Get your damn shot.

I’m sure there’s a hundred more.

I just got my third shot two weeks ago and am feeling fine. I encourage you to get yours, too.  These men had to die with the souls of everyone they willingly infected on their heads.  When the role is called up yonder …



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0 Comments to “Mysterious”

  1. One at a time.
    Gerrymandering won’t work forever.

  2. It’s not often you find a funeral home with a great sense of humor.

  3. Yes indeed. Karma bites.

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    I was gonna suggest we start a list of who should become a right-wing radio host, but darn, they’re on to our insidious plot:

    See, it’s all our fault. By making fun of the right-wing nutjobs and telling them to get vaccinated, we know they’ll get their backs up. They all would have done it already, but when liberals tell them to, they have no choice but to say no. So we’re killing them intensionally.

    I’m gonna shift gears and tell them they should wear seatbelts, they should not cook their food in drain cleaner, and that the best way to honor a solid conservative is with a noose.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    .. and the worst part is, their spelling skills have leaked into my writing (intentionally).

  6. Slipstream, I looked at that truck picture briefly and figured it was just another anti-vaxxer until I saw your comment. I went back and looked. Loved it. Thanks.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    How ironic is it that the funeral truck is probably transporting unvaccinated covid “customers” because there are so many they can’t use single passenger hearses?
    I had my 3rd dose of Moderna last Thursday which I mentioned last week (and feel fine). Coincidentally, my Ideeho sister called me that afternoon to complain about hospitals there rationing care. She of course wouldn’t agree that the unvaccinated are the reason for the rationing (death panels). She made the old standby excuse for her and our brother, also in Idaho, not getting vaccinated- “the vaccine was rushed and not proven.”

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Steve from Beaverton: you may have to give up on your sister for a while. I’ve found it’s possible to persuade people, if you are physically present. You can tell her that *before* the vaccine was released for use in the general population, it was thoroughly tested on over 35k people. She’s right, it was rushed – but only because a lot of advance work had been done before Covid-19 reared its ugly spiked head. And because this is a global health emergency which had extraordinary global research focused on it. And while “not proven” may have been true in January 2020, it’s a ridiculous claim now.

    But on phone, or on-line, none of that will register. All she has to do is go on-line and hear from dozens of her Facebook cronies all of the disinformation that is being cranked out, and without you present to shoot down every one as it comes, she won’t be persuaded.

    I’ve got a brother in Texas who is in the same mental jail. I know if I could be there physically I could persuade him (augmented by a few dope slaps on the back of the head). But remotely it seems impossible.

    BTW, it seems Washington state is getting fed up with Idaho shipping their overflow westwards across the state line.

  9. Professor @ 4, good idea. Just don’t tip your hand by telling them to start frying bacon in their birthday suit like God intended.
    Way too many have been burned (literally), and then the game is up.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Professor, I have given up on both of them, actually months ago. We talk when they call but seems they end up wanting to complain about my politics. So…….
    I used to love Idaho, but considering the political and covid atmosphere, seeing my siblings in person is not going to happen. It used to be a beautiful, reasonable and rational place. With my Biden decal still on my transportation, I’d be taking great risks to drive through E. Oregon and Idaho. Makes my wife and I sad.

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    …”glittering catastrophic ennui”. What an incredibly lovely, and completely accurate, phrase. Fortunately, I live as close to heaven as I’m likely to get and my garden has kept me busy harvesting and canning this Fall (spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove as I type).

    I, too, have anti-mask/vaccine siblings. The one in Texas keeps talking about how ‘nasty and germ-ridden’ masks are. Which is odd, because I thought she had a washing machine. Fortunately for my sanity, but sadly in light of family memories, those siblings no longer talk to me. And, like Steve from Beaverton, I think my bumper stickers would make me a target should I be foolish enough to visit.

    When I look beyond my own little slice of paradise, I am deeply saddened by the state of things.

  12. 100% Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself! The maskhole Qcumber covidiots are the reason we can’t lick the covid despite having ample vaccine supplies and excellent distribution.

    This “new” brand of fascist is particularly cruel. As if saddling us with the ***king moron** for four of the longest years in history wasn’t sufficient punishment, they’re determined to stretch the covid misery for what seems like forever.

    Sympathy is reserved for the medical personnel who are exhausted from nearly two years of being inundated with the cult of the moron. Does anyone have a good answer why hospital administrators are not protecting their staff? Triage would work. Unvaccinated? Take a number and report to the nearest Tea Bagger church parking lot to await your ‘miracles.’

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    Jane&PKM @ 12: “This “new” brand of fascist is particularly cruel”.

    A word I ran across only two weeks ago seems to really capture it: the GOP’s politics now are “sadopopulism”. Although the ol’ Marquis himself dealt only with a small-scale, one-on-one version, the fascists apply it widescale.

    Sad thing that we come up with these words, and the horrors they describe, in 2021. They should have been relegated to 1939 and completely crushed and universally despised in 1945.

  14. I wish I had the least little bit of insight into why the Covidiots are being ridiculous about the vaccines, but I got nuttin’.

    Not only are the medical bills starting to come down hard on the hospitalized; but, people are dying of other, treatable diseases because the Covidiots are taking up all the beds.

    I believe we are seeing the very last bit of patience with those people evaporate across the board.

  15. In addition to President Biden sending the following message to the maskholes:

    Let us explain this to the covidiots in no uncertain terms. They are free to practice their freedumb(s) at home. No vaccination: no job, no hospital, no groceries, no access to public spaces. None. Stay home. You want to “own the libs”? Fine. Own us – stay home to show us how much you don’t need us. We would love it if you covidiots would actually show a modicum of that ‘rugged individualism’ braggadocio you once had that disappeared the day Covid-19 arrived. Reconnect to those survivalist bunkers you of which you were once so proud. Climb down those stairs, we’ll call you when the pandemic has passed.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I think the professor @4 hit the nail on the head. I think he was saying if Democrats (liberals, socialists, anti police, etc) say something is good and reasonable, covidiots, almost exclusively repugnanticans, will do and support the opposite. I see this in my siblings and need to quit wasting my time to change them. Honestly, natural selection needs to just do it’s thing and I’m out of sympathy for them. As JJ said, if you’re eligible (and many of us are), get your 3rd dose of covid vaccine so you’re not a victim of covidiots. We can do this.

  17. Everybody here might want to bookmark this site: — The sheer repetition of it is amazing.

    I am wondering if enough right wingers will be dead next election that their artificial electoral advantages won’t be enough anymore.

  18. Hey everybody, be sure to recommend the Wilmer Funeral Home to all your unvaccinated acquaintances. They’ll make a COVID cadaver look almost as good as if it were still alive.

    … Almost …

  19. Strange how the GQP and talk hosts have ALL been vaccinated .

  20. The Surly Professor says:

    UmptyDump@19: From all of the pictures of the intubated, they look like they’ve been beaten for several hours with baseball bats. Apparently even morticians are horrified, and are recommending cremation, or otherwise a closed coffin funeral. They can basically reconstruct a rough approximation of a face using lots of wax, plastic inserts, and enough makeup to keep a house of Geishas painted for a year. But it’s going to look like something from a really crummy House of Wax.

    Usually they use large veins on opposite sides to drain blood from one while pumping in formaldehyde-equivalent in the other. But these cadavers have large blood clots preventing it. A high-school friend of mine is in the business, and he says the bodies are in really ugly shape. He’s also decided to retire this year.

  21. Nick Carraway says:

    I didn’t want to do a whole post on this, but the funeral truck raised a question in my mind: with America more polarized than ever, how does one decipher what is good trolling/humor without factoring it through their own political lense. In other words, does it have to be progressive for us to think it’s funny? Are all conservatives destined to crack on AOC for her dress but laugh hysterically at Melania’s jacket? I have to admit that I busted a gut when I first saw that truck, but I have to wonder if my humor taste buds are forever tainted by bad politics.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Not getting magats vaccinated is Darwin’s paen to right wing voter suppression. They do it to themselves and don’t even realize the folly.

  23. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I’m imagining one of those “In memoriam” deals they have on award shows, with names and picture of all covidiots who died. The music would be “Yackety Sax” from the Benny Hill show. What a terrible person I am turning into.

  24. Karen Crosby says:

    Thanks for your research and this post, JJ.

  25. John in denver says:

    The funeral truck campaign is for a funeral home that doesn’t exist, sending people to a website with content fully backing vaccination.

    When it seems too good to be true….

  26. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I guess a little humor about a not so humorous situation. I’ll try to send this picture to my ideeho brother and sister (she just got covid). Both are anti-vaxers. Maybe they’ll find it humorous. They already won’t talk to me.
