My Future Ex-Congressman
My congressman, Pete Olson, isn’t running for re-election because he’s a damn coward.
So now that he’s a lame duck, he doesn’t give a fluffy flaming fancy buckeroo about doing things properly. You know, like spending taxpayer dollars in an appropriate manner.
He sent out an email today. None of his emails are what you would call enlightened or meaningful, cheerful, or even typed well.
The one today is a poll. On impeachment. And it’ a push poll. Wanna see it? Remember, this is his official government email system, not his campaign email. So, you know what to do. By taking the poll, you’ll get on his email list. When the first one comes, unsubscribe and where it lets you say why you’re unsubscribing, here’s the correct spelling of dumb sumbitch.
Thank you for making me feel better.