My Favorite Thing Today

March 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So right in the middle of the hearing, Trump starts tweeting about the damn hearing.  I am not kidding.

Rep. Jim Himes read the tweet to Comey.

“Thanks to the modern technology that’s in front of me right here, I’ve got a tweet from the President an hour ago saying ‘The NSA and FBI told Congress that Russia did not influence the electoral process.’ So that’s not quite accurate, that tweet?” Himes asked.

“It certainly wasn’t our intention to say that today,” Comey answered. “We don’t have any information on that subject. That’s not something that was looked at.”

Oooooohhhhh.  Busted.

I also enjoy Trey Gowdy’s adventure in made-up rumors about bad stuff that he can’t prove either.

How about we let Trump come and let Gowdy question him.  It will be a lallapalooza of crazy!


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