My Favorite Southern Belle: Lindsey Graham

December 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It does not bother me in the least if Lindsey Graham is a gay man.  I just wish he’d be a proud gay man.


Benghazi is over, Senator.  You lost.

Thanks to Monty for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “My Favorite Southern Belle: Lindsey Graham”

  1. The old dog just won’t let go of that bone because Obama.

  2. 1toughlady says:

    The poor lady.She just can’t help herself.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    I’d be happy if he was the retired Senator.

    Because I’ve met too many wonderful people of a certain age, I’d not advocate for mandatory retirement. But for Graham and McCain there should be a special exception.

  4. On 20 December 1860, South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union. The first shots were fired 9 January 1861 by Citadel cadets on a merchant ship taking supplies to Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor.

    Cadets fired on a merchant ship.
    And Lindsay Graham can’t understand how Benghazi might have been an under the radar rouge attack? Just like the Confederates used to do. Under the guise of the Stars & Bars that his state capital still flies in the year of our Lord 2014.

    Somebody give the man a history lesson. And while they’re at it, explain that racist symbols are not heritage.

  5. @PKM
    Shades of Wild in the Streets! Oh well give me my LSD ration and send me off to the old age camp! Now please.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, too soon, my good sir. You are needed to to prove the rule that Graham and McCain need to be retired to an ice flow in the Bay of Koch fracking waters.

    But, elect enough good progressives, and maybe we can sneak you a little nip of LSD with your Medicare Part D.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick: “And while they’re at it, explain that racist symbols are not heritage.”

    As it should be, but thinking in Lindsey world, it is heritage. For a group of old guys denying the existence of “white privilege,” they sure seem determined to cling to that privilege.

    If only we could pass a thermometer around Congress and retire them based on the readings of their cold, dead, white hands.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Bless his heart. He rants about Benghazi, I’ll roll around ranting about the Koch brothers.

  9. Old, senile, incontinent and still a professional political pants **apper!

  10. PKM: Mandtory retirement? How about mandatory euthanasia?

  11. Edward Starsmith says:

    The fact they were unable to find anything only speaks to the effectiveness of the coverup. At least in Right Wing World.

    The same right wing logic that can justify going to war in 1861 to defend “States Rights”, while at the same time holding some 4 million people in involuntary servitude. I’m still waiting for someone to explain that hypocrisy to me.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Hey! You guys want to be mandatorily euthanized?

  13. If Lindsey can’t be honest about his essential being how can we expect him to be honest about anything else?

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Time for this old war-whorse to head to the dog food factory.

  15. Angelo_Frank says:

    Great editorial cartoon. I once lived in a city named “Sunnyvale”. I wonder if they have a “Retirement Village”?

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    RayS, euthanasia should be reserved for our beloved pets and patients in consultation with their family and doctor.

    For the likes of Senators Graham and McCain, we need to establish a modified version of “Make a Wish.” Those two old green room warriors deserve to die with their boots on the ground. We already know what the old codgers want, we also know they are beyond making sound decisions any longer, so it would be an act of kindness to “deploy them to the destiny of their choice.” Senator Graham seems pretty clear about Benghazi as his destination of choice.

  17. Rockheadedmama says:

    I just wish someone would invent a portable, blow up fainting couch for Lindsay. I think he would be much more comfortable if there were one he could carry around with him…

  18. As John Belushi said as Bluto in Animal House, “Was it over when Germany bombed pearl harbor? No!”

    So it goes for the party of the insane, it is never going to over cause they want what they want, and by golly they will pursue it, even if they are delusional cause truth doesn’t count if it contradicts their desires.

  19. Lindsey Graham is not gay. He’s neuter.

  20. Someone needs to get Miss Lindsay her smelling salts.

  21. Fred Farklestone says:

    Smelling salts, does someone need some smelling salts? Well here they are!

  22. Rabblerouzzer says:

    Actually, I believe I read recently that one of the Senate committees, Foreign Affairs or another with oversight of foreign service operations, will begin its own Benghazi hearings once the Republicans take over in the new Congress. So don’t assume it’s a dead issue…because now the brilliant Republicans in the Senate get their opportunity to manufacture a conspiracy out of whole cloth…because that dang Harry Reid has been blocking them from getting in on all the fun the House has had with the issue.

    The GOP is the party of beating dead horses, over and over and over ad nauseum. Maybe that’s why they are so keen on allowing the slaughter of America’s wild mustangs, even though the Republicans are the ones in need of a good horse whippin’….
