My Dream Job

June 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, if you see that I’ve cleaned out the Beauty Salon and hung a for sale sign on the door, it’s because I have followed my heart and applied for my new dream job since I was told there is no such job as Queen of Baseball.

Y’all, I can work for Willie.

Country music legend Willie Nelson is about to launch his weed factory in Colorado — and they’re looking for a few good stoners to help run the show.

Willie’s Reserve has five job openings, according to The Cannabist. You’ll have to be willing to go on the road again because the jobs are in Denver.

No, they are tokin’ serious.


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Can somebody please embroidery that on a nice couch cushion for me?

The jobs include a sales director, compliance officer, production manager, extractor and bookkeeper. Click here to apply.

I am just perfect for any of those jobs.  And, GET THIS! – they pay you money to do it.  Actual American money.  Hellfire, Darlin’, I’d do any of those jobs as a volunteer on the off chance that Willie might show up.

Thelma says that “Colorado Juanita” has way too many vowels, plus there’s snow there.  Yeah, yeah, like I would be aware that it’s snowing.



Thanks to Ron for the heads up.


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