My Bad

November 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember what I just said about Oklahoma taking everything north of Dallas.  I spoke too soon.  They can have part of Dallas, too.  The Richardson part, which is still kinda north.

So the PTA at Richardson High School, who appear to be a real fun bunch, invited these folks to come to the school and get the kids out of class to hear a lecture on Are You Dateable?  It’s supposed to be Christian doctrine but when they speak at public schools they leave out the Christian but keep the doctrine.

Screen Shot 2013-11-14 at 12.10.03 PM

Some parents checked out these guys’ website and decided, no.  Hell no.

“I am extremely troubled by the fact that Richardson High School would bring in an ‘expert’ speaker who holds the dangerous, misogynistic views that advance a rape culture such as those expressed on his website,” Clark-Soles said. “I was given no information about an unnamed speaker on an unnamed subject.”

At first the assembly was to be postponed, then students were told it would take place but be optional. It went on as scheduled.

The kids at the school, who are far cooler than their parents, began tweeting it as #lookadouche

You’ll want to read their Cool Rules.  One of my favorite ones is:

  1. Men of God are wild, not domesticated. Dateable guys aren’t tamed. They don’t live by the rules of the opposite sex. They fight battles, conquer lands, and stand up for the oppressed.

They also have an R U Dateable test.

I took the test.  I failed.  Apparently miserably.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “My Bad”

  1. I thought the rules were mostly okay but look, I’m 73. I thought the questions needed upgrading. And Men of God don’t have to go conquer other countries. They want to conquer something, let it be how to write a novel or hike for twenty miles or find a cure for multiple sclerosis or something.

  2. I thought Rule #6 was interesting: Be mysterious. Dateable girls know how to shut up.

    So when Dateable high school girls grow up, get married and vote, they’re already trained to shut up and vote for the idiot their husband tells them to vote for. We wouldn’t want Dateable girls voting for someone like Wendy Davis in the future, when men know better, would we?

  3. Crap. By their critera. I’m a dateable woman.

    This is the biggest scam ever.

    I’m damned near 80 years old.

  4. Which tells me…..

    Anybody under my age need not apply.

  5. I failed the test the first time, and I was carefully judicious about not being talkative to the guy. So I repeated the damn test and chose FALSE every frickin’ time, and I passed the test. What utter bullcrap. Where are those damn 2nd amendment turds when you really need them? Just kidding, NSA….

  6. Riley's Enabler says:

    I failed! Took both quizzes. Apparently I’m a raging-out-of control-boy and an undateable girl.

    I’m so relieved.

    Why on this big green earth would you subject your children to one moment of Lookadouche? Sheeesh.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Not a single mention of guns,e platypus inquires?

  8. I failed it, too. I wonder what my husband of 23 years would say about this?

  9. Oh, hey. I’m a glutton for punishment…. I noticed the boys version of the stupid quiz. So the first time I took a quick run at it and did all answers as “true” and failed.

    Then I did all “false”, and guess whut? I passed. I’m so proud of me, when it told me: “You da man! But don’t get cocky. You have to be tough and keep hanging on to self-control. You are totally focused the right way. Keep it up!”

    Somewhere a bar is open. I seriously need a drink….

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Love the Amazon reviews of his latest:

    “Perfect for fans of medieval courtship practices!”

    “Unless you want your children to inadvertently learn misogynistic principles and promote rape culture do not buy this book or even look at it!”

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. My experience is that I talk too much. When I talk too much I am less likely to get what I want. That doesn’t mean turn off my brain. It means strategize. Women always have about six or eleven channels running at all times.

  12. shortpeople says:

    How is it that the guys rules include keeping a woman covered up? Are they expected to bring burqas for their dates.

    I’m, apparently undateable, I guess because I don’t think it’s cool to lie about being busy for the weekend when I’m not, or saying yes to a Friday date when asked on Thursday. That must be it, because I said that I didn’t like talking about myself all the time.

  13. shortpeople says:

    Also, why does the question “He asks you if you’re doing any thing this weekend” have only yes, or no as the answer. Why isn’t “tell him the truth” an option?

  14. Whooo…. hoooo! Well past 50 and well on my way to geezerhood, but I’m still warned to “Don’t let your hormones take over.”

  15. Cheryl Ann says:

    So, Richard, what are you doing this weekend? (giggling sweetly behind a fan)

    They are scheduled to go to George West High School and theres a petition!

  17. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    You really want to hack up hair balls. Read the comments and article on The Blaze. The nuts in Beckistan are still crazy. (Hey it showed up in my news feed)

  18. Braxton Braggart says:

    “The kids at the school, who are far cooler than their parents, began tweeting it as #lookadouche”

    I have no worries for the next generation.

  19. It appears I’m a “wantable woman.” No wonder I got knocked up on grad night…

  20. Hey, hey, hey….I am a product of the Richardson School District – 12 years. Graduated Lake Highlands 1971 – this district was formed in ’63 as PROGRESSIVE by PROGRESSIVES in North Dallas. This is utterly disgusting and goes against everything my parents and their friends were for when they got this district going – did NOT want to be part of Dallas School District. My 83 yro Mom is going to go nuts; she still lives in the same house we grew up in NORTH DALLAS.

  21. Geeze, guess the ole ‘hood has gone all weird or something. Our neighborhood had the FIRST major pot bust in Dallas in 1968 – half the neighborhood got in trouble. Times, they are a changin…..

  22. Yep, dateless.
    Thank God my husband of 36 years doesn’t know!

  23. Do they permit dancing at Richardson HS?

  24. @Eykis: recollect Andre Tillman? LHHS 70 or 71?

  25. ” Dateable guys know that porn is bad for the spirit and the mind. They keep women covered up.”

    Because the body of the woman you love is pornographic

  26. Marge Wood says:

    You could always say “Yep, I’m going to a big protest against coal-fired utilities and after that I’m going to a training session for rabid Democrats where we’re gonna write strong letters to our legislators. Wanna go?”

  27. Yep, took the test. Most of my comments reading thru are not Mama safe.
    As you might have guessed……I’m not dateable.
    Don’t think I will lose much sleep over this. Geeze Louise!

  28. Turns out I’m very dateable, but my husband of over 30 years has never been really okay with that, so he used to go out with the guys occasionally, but I never did. Must have missed my big chance. Dang.

  29. Jan Kimmons says:

    I failed too. I was told I talked about myself too much, even though I answered those questions in the negative. Weird scoring. My experience with teens (and older teens/college age) is they don’t fall for a lot of this kind of stuff. On the whole, I’m encouraged about the generation that will be watching over us in our extreme old age.

  30. If these are dateable guys then I want to be an undateable girl. Or perhaps I’ll just go lesbian and simplify matters.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    I’m dateable only if Shania Twain asks me in person.

  32. Do you think the bozos who dreamed up this crap ever followed their own advice?

  33. Just another couple of hucksters using god to sell snake oil. Somebody needs to be fired!
