Musical Chairs in Texas
Not to be outdone by Michele Bachmann, Texas Comptroller Republican Susan Combs announced to day that she will not be seeking office again.
Speculation is that my State Senator Glen Hagar who, bless his heart, always looks like he spent the night in the dishwasher will be running for that seat along with Debra Medina who is a woman dead set on making Michele Bachmann look sane. Rumor has it that Tom Craddick, the most vindictive man in Texas, and a guy named Harvey Ray Hilderbran, who is currently a member of the Texas House are also interested.
The way I see it, even if the Republicans win the seat, we get rid of three of them, which is a good start with this crowd.
There will also be a Republican cat fight for Lt. Gov. in Texas, where the real power resides. The incumbent, David Dewhurst, is still bouncing from the beating he took from Ted Cruz when they both ran for Senate. I heard today that my personal favorite crazy butt guy Dan Patrick (not the sports announcer) might run. If so, I’ve been paying the right preacher because Dan Patrick is a doozy in the unintended comical department.
It’s gonna be fun watching them bloody each other up good.