Multipling Like Damn Rabbits

December 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Lege is not a beacon of intelligence or even a cesspool of extra IQ points.

They got all mad at Planned Parenthood and cut funding, including funding for birth control.  Then a strange thing happened.  People started having more babies.

This was not a predictable outcome in the mind of the average Texas Republican, which is kinda surprising considering how much they like to talk about hoochy.  You think maybe at some point all their sex talk would eventually come to the relationship between sex and getting pregnant.  Obviously, not in this century.   On the other hand, we’re just barely into this century.

Republican state Sen. Bob Duell said that the government should not be involved in family planning, “But you have to look at what happens if we don’t.”

My goodness.  He noticed.

But he did have kinda an unfair advantage.  He’s a medical doctor.  We do not know what he did with the money his Momma gave him to go to medical school, but he obviously slept through the human reproduction part because he missed the connection the first time around and voted to defund family planning.

Now it’s gonna be up to Bob to go explain all this to Rick in real delicate terms because Rick might have to back down, too.

A spokesperson for Gov. Rick Perry would not state a firm position either way on the debate, only stating, “Every two years we take a fresh look at our resources and our needs.”

Yep, every election time we decide who to kiss up and who to piss off.

So, the way I see it, you guys have to stop with the hoochy koochy.  It makes babies.  The Republicans don’t like you have sex or babies.  They want you to be all frustrated and mean, like them.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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