Mr. Winkey Goes to The State Capitol
Jud McMillian, the Speaker of the House in Indiana and, of course, a Republican, has been caught winkie texting. To his friends. Obviously by accident. Or maybe not.
He claims it happened when he lost control of his phone for 24 hours while in Canada. Uh, yes, he lost control, but it’s not the first time.
McMillin played a key role in a recent overhaul of the state’s criminal code and led an unsuccessful effort to drug test welfare recipients. He was also one of more than two dozen co-sponsors of the state’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
I’m finding it hard to understand why Indiana Republicans did not see this coming. There’s a recent sparkin’ story that happened while he was a prosecutor that will curl your hair. Only click this link if you want to hear about some kinky stuff this guy does while preaching against marriage equality.
But he’s not just a stinker in the zipper department.
An Indianapolis Star investigation in 2013 also found that McMillin and other government officials in southeastern Indiana supported grants for companies to which they had close family or financial ties. In McMillin’s case, he advocated for a $600,000 grant for a project involving Destination Brookville, a company he started and later ceded to his mother and family friends.
His official statement says that he’s resigning to “focus on his family.” He might want to make sure they haven’t changed the lock on the front door.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.