Mow ‘Em Down

June 20, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’d think a Senate candidate accused of spousal and child abuse by his ex-wife — to say nothing of the accusations he sexually assaulted and blackmailed his former hairdresser — might consider a less violent appeal to voters. Especially following an elementary school massacre.

That’s what you’d think.

But, here we are.

Republicans – they’re gonna shoot you.


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0 Comments to “Mow ‘Em Down”

  1. Bill Mahrer had it right a few years back. “The Democrats have moved right and the Republicans have moved into the Lunatic Asylum.”
    Joe Biden is anything but radical left. In any civilized country, Bernie would be considered slightly right of center, so where that put biden?

  2. The fact that this guy can’t see himself even in a mirror should tell everyone everything about him. Run, duck and cover!!!

  3. Katherine says:

    I think he needs to go on the No Fly list.

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Oh, no, Republicans threatening Republicans with violence. Someone should stop this.

  5. I really try and have respect for veterans. I do recognize that they are unique individuals–including their interpretations of country and politics.

    But it is hard to have respect for someone who brings war-images to civilian world. Who projects himself not as a past service member with respect for others (like command), but appears more as an overgrown child with no common sense. The hyperbole just adds to the infestation of violent mentality polluting the US culture. Sigh.

  6. Teh Gerg says:

    The myth of the Radical Left has fueled the Radical Right for way too many years, and it’s never been true.

    @Buttermilk Sky: Agreed. Let’s refer the problem of Republican on Republican violence to a committee.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    And their list of demands from this weekend’s convention requires a vote on secession no later than 2023. Hopefully they will have all faced a circular firing squad before then!

  8. Grandma Ada @ 7,

    If TX tries to secede from the US, I think there’s a law or something that says they can’t. If they did, they’d lose big time. No more federal funds, SSI payments, federal pensions, veteran hospitals, postal service, military bases, and lots more.

  9. The unfortunate thing is who actually in Texas will suffer the most…even more than they do now.

  10. Nick Carraway says:

    The treaty to enter the union (which afforded Texas the opportunity to assert independence) was rendered void when they seceded and then reentered the union in 1865. They had to reenter under the same conditions as the other former confederate states. So, we have no legal right to leave the union. Period.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Not sure misery repugnanticans will ever allow “red flag” laws in their state, but this greitens dude is a perfect example of something (not sure what to call him) that should be red flagged.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    But the vast majority of Fox News addicts will swell up their chests and say “that Greitens guy is a Real Man with guns and stuff, and has the military supporting him, so I’ll vote for him”. They will only hear the bumper sticker slogans (stop trans children, stop BLM/Antifa violence, and block those nasty immigrants) and never once consider any actual policies or plans.

    That’s why the Republican primaries are all just strident chest-thumping and claims to be biggest followers of Trump. It works in their constituency’s little peanut brains.

    [yeah, I know it’s just a bunch of LARPers in the Greitens ad, but the local yokels around here just see camo uniforms and guns and figure it’s the military]

  13. FrauFree says:

    “Missouri GOP leader says he’s contacted cops over Senate hopeful Eric Greitens’ campaign video joking about hunting RINOs and suggests scandal-plagued ex-governor needs psychiatric help”:

  14. And then there was that time when Greitens wanted to be reinstated and the Navy said no, but Mike Pence interceded.

  15. Fred Farkleshine says:

    “Navy reluctant to reinstate former Missouri governor Greitens until VP Pence intervened”

  16. The Surly Professor says:

    Deb and Fred: does this mean that the current President can order Greitens to active service (and not just trying to politically prop up Mike Dense)? As I recall, aircraft carriers have lots of hot and cramped places where sailors have to scrape paint and rust. While flight ops are going on, somewhat reducing the chances of taking a nap instead of working.

    Or better yet, put him onto a ballistic missile sub, one that is due to go out and sit on the bottom of the sea for six weeks. That would put a crimp in his efforts to put out Macho Man Movies.
