Moving Target

March 01, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember how it was March 4th that Trump was to become president, according to all-knowing Q?

Well, that has changed.  Now it’s March 20th. I don’t really understand why except it just is.  One excuse is that Trump is president now and that Biden is just a ruse. Trump is in charge of the military and they are still rounding up the liberals, pedophiles, and pope. I do not know why Trump was president for 4 years, visited the pope, seemed real happy about it, but didn’t arrest him.



But, I guess the pope looks grumpy because Trump could have been rattling the keys to the jailhouse in his pocket. I dunno.

You’d think people would be noisy about being rounded up.  You’d be wrong, I guess.

Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.

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