Most Of The Time, It Pays To Advertise. This Is Not One Of Those Times.
In Kentucky, 37 year oldĀ Deborah Delane Asher was arrested for trafficking of a controlled substance and possession of methamphetamine.
Which came as a shock to everyone!
Her mug shot.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.
Deb, in advertising there is a thing known as oversell. Trust me, you didn’t need the T-shirt to profess your love of methamphetamine. Use your time well, come out clean and start a new life for yourself. Take pictures; promise you that your 67th year will look better than your 37th, if you give yourself a chance.
1I think her face says more than her shirt.
3To be honest , I think she was promoting her stripper name. Yes, she is a stripper using the name Crystal Meth. I kid you not.
4Ahhhh the double entendre! A stripper who may (or may not) use the stage name Crystal Meth who may (or may not) love crystal meth. Make your own joke about a white powdery residue on her black t-shirt.
5A few years ago I saw a purple van with a license plate that said something like DRFEELGD — I don’t remember, but it just screamed, “Pull me over and search me for drugs! Take a good sniff!”
This woman’s choice of shirt goes with her choice of face. I’m almost twenty years older and she looks worse than I do.
6And as we can plainly see, crystal meth just LOVES Deborah Delane Asher.
7Sometimes doncha just love T-shirts? Holy wow!!!
8Whatever it is….. from the looks of the lady.
The stuff is hard on a body, and face.