Mosque or Embarrassment?

August 18, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita thinks that maybe – just maybe – the GOP is just using their outrage about a mosque in downtown New York City to mask their extreme embarrassment over the scientific proven fact that they did not keep their promise to (1) find Osama bin Laden, or (2) to rebuild the World Trade Center.

“Remember ole Bush standing there on the pile of rubble and promising to hunt down bin Laden?  Remember how he promised we would rebuild?  Remember when he promised we were going to Mars?  I know that last thing doesn’t have anything to do with the mosque but it was just so nutty that I didn’t want you to forget about it,” Juanita says.

“Republicans were impotent – yeah, I said that word – and didn’t keep either of those promises, so now they are hollering about a mosque two blocks away?  I think they’ve got some apologizing to do before they start claiming New York City as their own.”

“Honey, whales will be blowing sand in West Texas before Republicans have any pride in what they’ve done to honor 9/11 victims,” she predicts.  “This whole mosque thing is just another opportunity to work themselves into a righteous indignation over diddle squat.”

“I’ve come to believe that conniption fits pass for foreplay in most Republican homes,” she offers.  “And the most inconsequential the cause, the bigger the fit.”

She might be right.

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