More Good News From The Supremes

June 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Supremes are on a roll today.  In a closer vote, 5-4, the court ruled that Texas can long  no longer use federal subsidies to enforce racial discrimination.

The biggest federal housing subsidy program in Texas — which awarded $9.7 billion in tax credits from 1990 to 2011 — effectively has been reinforcing segregated housing, the U.S. Supreme Court found Thursday.

Texas gave the subsidies to developers.  Those developers insured that poor housing was built in minority neighborhoods and fancy pants housing was built in white neighborhoods.

“Much progress remains to be made in our Nation’s continuing struggle against racial isolation,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion. “We must remain wary of policies that reduce homeowners to nothing more than their race.”

Damn, y’all.  It looks like we made some progress today.

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0 Comments to “More Good News From The Supremes”

  1. Annabelle Lee says:

    In my fantasy world, all subsidies would be periodically reviewed to see if they’re A) still needed; and B) doing what they were originally intended to do.

  2. Old Fart says:

    Just to be clear: Texas can NO longer use federal subsidies to enforce racial discrimination.


  3. Juanita Jean says:

    To quote Rick Perry, “oops!”

  4. Oh goody! That snap,crackle and pop we hear is the pea brains of the GOP imploding. It’d be a much louder boom,but, big brains and the GOP are an oxymoron…And Repubs are just,plain and simple,morons! Not a bad day today in Supreme Court land,for a change.

  5. Soooooo how is the Texas Lege gonna fund racial discrimination NOW???? Huh?

  6. maryelle says:

    And the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania ruled that the NRA cannot sue the cities which have passed gun regulations and do not allow open carry. Halleluja! Saints be praised. Perhaps more states will stand up to the Nutty Riflemen’s A$$es.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Scalia surely missed his calling. He would of have delighted at being employed as overseer for Scrooge Industries where he could fire the poor at will and force them to work extra hours for free,just to keep the privilege of working for Scrooge and Scalia. Scalia likes being miserable.

  8. Old Fart says:

    @7: Snicker…

    Scalia even *looks* like a character from that comic series
