More Crazy From Texas

April 01, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, remember the new Texas Secretary of State who screwed up voter registration in Texas and announced that 95,000 potential noncitizens had registered to vote in violation of state law?  And the rightwing and Donald Trump were dancing around and drooling and local voter registrars were going to the expense of sending out letters to these people making them come into the office to prove they were citizens?

Remember that?

Well, the same thing happened to him that happens to every Republican who makes enormous mistakes that vilify people and waste taxpayer money: He got a 49% pay raise.

Yeah, he was in office less than five weeks, screwed everything up, and Governor Abbott rewarded him.

The day after David Whitley took office as Texas secretary of state on Dec. 17, he received a 49 percent pay raise thanks to his friend and political patron, Gov. Greg Abbott.

In a Dec. 18 letter to the Legislative Budget Board, the governor’s chief of staff said Abbott was using his authority to immediately raise Whitley’s annual salary to $197,415.

That’s almost $64,500 more than the $132,924 paid to Rolando Pablos, the Abbott appointee who was secretary of state before Whitley.

He’s a close friend and former chief of staff to Governor Abbott so he deserves it no matter how incompetent he is.

All the best people, all the best people.


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