Moral Bankruptcy
One of the rising stories in the war between Trump and Tillerson has underlined the actual issue at the core of this administration – moral bankruptcy. We all know that Trump is a complete waste of oxygen, a Grade A Shitbag, and every other pejorative one can conjure. What is he, though, at his essence? At his center, Trump is totally devoid of any decency or empathy and worse (if that’s even possible), he is morally bankrupt. The case in point is the disagreement that has been simmering between Trump and Tillerson since the beginning of this train wreck; Trump’s desire to legalize bribery.
One of Trump’s core issues is a law that he wants reversed: the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The FCPA was passed in 1977 in an attempt for the United States to lead the world in reducing what was then blatant corruption and bribery in international business. The law is enforced by the SEC and DOJ and has greatly reduced corruption because, under the law, business leaders are personally liable should their companies get caught paying bribes. For years, Trump has railed against the law, calling it a “horrible law and it should be changed.” Trump says that not being able to pay bribes to foreign officials makes us uncompetitive.
Fortunately for us, but unfortunately for Tillerson, Rex disagrees with Trump. In a White House meeting in February, Tillerson dared to do just that with Trump after he complained about the act, saying that bribery was key to success. Tillerson stood his ground and even related a story to him about how he refused to bribe a Yemeni state official when he was CEO of Exxon. The deal got done anyway.
What this story reveals is not only the importance of actual adults like Tillerson, Kelly, Mattis, and others to keep Trump in check, but the critical need that they do so. Trump is the very definition of corruption. He is so self absorbed and completely saturated by his corruption that he actually wants to weaken US policy so HE’LL make more money. Just thinking about having this cretin at the levers of power sends cold chills down my spine. This man is not only evil; his corruption is a cancer on our society.
This disaster can’t end soon enough; in the meantime, as much as I disagree with Tillerson on any number of policy issues, I also see his value as the last defense against Trump burning down what’s left of our republic. He, and those like him owe it to the rest of us to stay in place until we can excise this disease from office by either criminal charges and/or resignation.