Monday Morning Pissed-Off Kickstarter

October 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to everybody for sending me this link.

The Republican Guide to Presidential Etiquette

If you have any Republican friends left, please make sure they get to see this.


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0 Comments to “Monday Morning Pissed-Off Kickstarter”

  1. I honestly hope this sells more copies than the Bible! Great, succinct stuff! Reminds of the book a local men’s clothing store put out some time ago. Gave a copy of that one to my grandsons. Their parents actually liked what I did!

  2. The problem is that no Republican would read this, and the rest of us already know it and don’t need to have the stuff listed.

  3. oldymoldy says:

    JUST STOP!!!!!!

  4. If you are as disillusioned as I each morning I still manage to wake, please see some form of this movie, available to be streamed, if you are, by any measurable measure, smarter than I :

    It is called “Idiocracy.” From circa 2006

  5. I was thinking the other day, that before trump was president I NEVER watched the news or heard about any scandal or anything to do with the WH. I guess those were the good old days. Reading that list is sickening, for an administration to be like that! I still cannot believe some still support him.

  6. Note that this is Version 2 of the NYT presidential etiquette guide at Week 20. I expect to see regular updates every few months until impeachment, resignation, 25th Amendment removal, or nuclear war, whichever comes first. Cheeto Jesus just doesn’t understand that he has completely alienated Bob Corker, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and John McCain (multiple times). Very hard to pass any legislation with that level of bad karma, plus wingnuts lurking on the right. If TRex Tillerson is fired or resigns, the new SecState nominee has to run the gauntlet of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Sen. Corker. I think the TRex quote was actually “F@$#ing Moron” Sorry Momma. That is more appropriate Texas Oil Patch Vernacular.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    From The “failing” New York Times? Please. /s

  8. Judas priest, I knew all that, and yet seeing it in one list, about halfway through I wondered why angry mobs weren’t storming the White House to get this corrupt charlatan out of there and restore an actual functioning President.

    I still wonder why. I may need a cane but I’d be right there with a pitchfork in the other hand.

  9. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    Reading that whole list (which took a while, even though I think I read well) I was struck by a few thoughts. One in particular jumped out at me.

    When he first compared the USIC to Nazis, I like many people, assumed it was an egregious insult. In light of later events, I now realize he may actually have intended it as a *compliment*. Many fine people, you know.

    Make it stop. Just make it stop.


  10. I don’t know if I even made it halfway through before I just felt sick and had to stop.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    I don’t think anyone can get near enough to Trump to put him in a strait jacket unless they were elected somewhere or other. If they could have, don’t you think they would have by now? I mean, this is America and we are supposed to be able to fix things.
