Monday Grin

May 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, a customer sent me this and it sure the dickens appears to be a priest shooting holy water into people’s mouths in a drive-by communion.

At least I hope that’s what it is because that would just charm the pants off me on the creativity scale.



Click here to see the big one.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Monday Grin”

  1. Old Fart says:

    There we go!

    Using modern technology to overcome the ravages of nature…

  2. megasoid says:

    Hey, how’s about some grape holy soda?

  3. Texas Expat in CA says:

    I don’t think holy water is put in the mouth, so if this squirt gun is shooting holy water, it’s not a communion. It’s wine or grape juice that goes into the mouth in communion.

  4. I’ve heard of being “washed in the blood of Jesus” as protection from the ‘rona but I’m not sure if this counts.

  5. John Mcdaniel says:

    Seems like the proper hardware for this would be a bejeweled squirt gun in a more somber color.

  6. twocrows says:

    Texas Expat in CA @ 4:
    Could be a baptism?
    Drive up, roll down the window and hold your baby out to get doused.
    Yeah, that could work.

    Maybe he’s got color-coded water pistols — green for baptisms, red for communion. And a slingshot for the wafers?

  7. Malarkey says:

    I’d give anything to hear what Tom Lehrer would do with this!

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    twocrows @7. “And a slingshot for the wafers?” Confirmed. Covidiot* 45 was said to have enjoyed a religious and speedy hamberder for lunch. Equipped with a boomerang, have this sudden urge to become a WH valet…

  9. Sandridge says:

    That lil ol’ holywater squirtgun ain’t jack. There’s some Cajuns got that beat.
    Down in Abbeville, Luusiana a parish priest loaded a cropduster aaroplane with a huunnerd –gallons– of holywater and sprinkled his flock.

    [from further down that cited Guardian page:]
    “Church uses crop duster plane to spray holy water upon Louisiana faithful. The Rev Matthew Barzare blessed 100 gallons of water to deliver a low-flying benediction on his 200-family parish ” [–it was so popular that the Padre is going to use 300gal next time]:

  10. maryelle says:

    Sorry, but shooting anything out of a gun, even a toy gun, is not a good look for a priest. In the Catholic Church, communion is distributed by putting the wafers in the wine and then the priest puts the wine- soaked wafer on the tongue of the communicant. The priest is the only one who actually drinks the wine from the chalice. Not sure what this guy is doing, but it ain’t communion. Possibly watering those beautiful lilies.

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Wow – love the look! Embroidered cope, biretta, and…squirt gun. Who’da thunk it! A Covid19 version of asperges, though sprinkling Easter baskets with hold water must be a local tradition. I’ll have to ask Fr. Andrew if he wants to try a drive-through version here, especially after Zoom blacked out all the local church services last Sunday.

  12. Sandridge says:

    maryelle @11, No, that Communion description is incorrect. You’d have a soggy mess if the wafers were ‘soaked’ in the wine. They’re done separately around here, and the parishioners can partake of the wine or not, their choice.
    Used to get dragged to Mass, as the only one not participating, I observed the whole ceremony [devout daughters usually assisted the priest, spoke the homily or whatever].
    I don’t know when the Communicant wine thing started, it wasn’t given years ago [sixty+ years since I went agnostic].

    “Not sure what this guy is doing, but it ain’t communion. Possibly watering those beautiful lilies.”
    Those reading the Guardian story would have got that the Grosse Point Park [a mostly very upscale place] priest was:
    “The idea was to find a way to continue a tradition of blessing Easter baskets despite the pandemic. One photo shows Pelc standing behind a car with its hatchback door up, shooting water at a basket of flowers. He said he has a “pretty wacky mind and pretty accepting congregation”. “.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Opinionated Hussy @12, Our Downriver French-Canadian “local tradition”, specially granted by the Vatican, was being allowed to eat muskrat meat on Friday, in lieu of the usual fish.
    Muskrats are large beaver-like swamp rats/rodents.
    The preparation of, smell and taste of, muskrat is a never forgotten acquired thing.
    They are still served in some local restaurants if anybody wants to try some… [hey, on the other border, I like mollejas asadas too]

  14. maryelle says:

    My choice of the word “soaked” was imprecise, since the amount of wine is practically minuscule, but after COVID-19,
    even the priest may not be able to drink from the chalice and may have to wear gloves to distribute the wafers.
