Mitt, You Do Understand That When I Said That Shiny Is My Favorite Color, That Was a Joke, Right?

June 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They used to call it The Republican War on Women.  It shall now be referred to as The Republican Goofy on Women.

Mitt Romney’s senior campaign adviser, Eric Fehrnstrom, on Sunday said that social issues important to women, like contraception coverage and abortion rights, were “shiny objects” that were being used to distract voters.

Oh, you know, that is so true.  We women are so willing to trade our constitutional rights for one of those $100 pure genuine faux cubic zirconia 10K semi-gold plated rings in a special velvety presentation box.  Oh.  Oh.  Oh. I want one of those, Darlin’.

Ain’t it funny how a Democratic woman’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just a shiny object to Republican men?

Come on over here, little Romney adviser, and you can learn about another shiny thing, when you kiss my big blue shiny butt.

Thanks to Deb, Craig, and several others for making my Monday morning a tad shinier.

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0 Comments to “Mitt, You Do Understand That When I Said That Shiny Is My Favorite Color, That Was a Joke, Right?”

  1. m in El Paso says:

    Glad to know you’re blue all over. Blue’s my favorite color. Now when are we going to color Texas blue?

  2. And we don’t need to worry our pretty little heads about those nasty old rights.

    He can kiss mine too. Thirty-six inches to the left, then come back to the middle and kiss thirty-six inches to the right.

    But gay marriage isn’t a distracting issue– that’s an impending apocalypse, right?

  3. ks sunflower says:

    Gee, just when I think they cannot say anything worse, they do.

    Let’s keep it that way: them talking, instead of acting.

    Keep Romney and his crew out of power.

    “Shiny objects” indeed – weren’t they the ones bringing those objects to the forefront, shoving them down our throats. “Shiny objects” – if I were a man, I might consider giving Fehrnstrom a couple of shiners, but maybe not. The men I respect never stoop so low as to throw punches, nor do they embrace Fehrnstrom’s GOP attitude.

  4. You are making me shout at my computer again.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    We need Susan B. Anthony back. I sure wouldn’t want her mad at me and I betcha Romney wouldn’t either.

    Good (they say it’s for kids but I liked ’em) reading for summer:
    WONDER by Palacio
    NATION by Pratchett
    COSMIC by Boyce
    MY MOTHER THE CHEERLEADER by I don’t know who but it’s young adult in the library. Read it.

  6. I’m a Firefly fan, where “Shiny” means good or okay.

    News for you Repubs, believe me women’s right are a very Shiny object for me – a directional beacon that I’ll use to help guide my vote everytime!!!!

    Stop thinking of women as the stereotypical gangster’s moll! Get your head out of your…I mean…the 19th century and back into NOW!

  7. Fred Farklestone says:

    First we have Romney and his “mommy jeans,” now we have a top advisor Ferhnstrom with his “mommy glasses!” Are there any real men around Romney?

  8. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Newt got Calista to fall for the shiny things, didn’t he?

  9. Eric F. your mama is calling you—and she’s embarrassed.

  10. “Mitt Romney’s senior campaign adviser, Eric Fehrnstrom, on Sunday said that social issues important to women, like contraception coverage and abortion rights, were ‘shiny objects’ that were being used to distract voters.”

    Considering that women make up 51% of voters, shouldn’t Romney worry about this “distraction” and how his party is doing everything it can to make women’s lives, especially poor and underinsured women’s lives, more miserable?

    Boneheadedness at its best.

  11. daChipster says:

    If Mitt Romney came to me and said “Chip, I’ll give you a million gazillion dollars to fix my campaign” I would, first, ask for the money up front. If I’m going to sell my soul, it’s not going to be C.O.D.

    And then I would fire this guy, Fern Bar, and anybody he’s hired, worked with, spoken to or exchanged man nods with within the campaign.

    It should have happened after he opened the kimono on the etch-a-sketch campaign strategy, but Mitt is nothing if not a brick wall head butter. Admittedly, those bricks are made of gold, but they still hurt.

    I would then counsel Mitt to embrace his inner Thurston Howell III and also his LDS bishopness. The two things that define Mitt are his religion and his money. Every day, in every way, Fern Bar and his people force Mitt to not be those things, because they think it will turn a lot of people off.

    Well, they are right, but there’s no freaking way Mitt wins, no matter how he’s presented, unless outside forces like the economy hand the election to the NotObama.

    In the meantime, why put yourself through whatever Mormon hell is (Las Vegas?) being the NotRomney?

    So, let Mitt be Mitt, so he can relax and be honest, then let the chads fall where they may. I am certain, barring economic cataclysm, that they will still fall Obama’s way. So I’ll have taken all that money, and not materially hurt my guy.

    That means I could foreclose and get my soul back!

  12. Must remember, “if I’m going to sell my soul, it’s not going to be C.O.D.” Thanks.

  13. daChipster, do you think Mitt even knows who he is at this point? He doesn’t seem to be able to remember what he believed last month. Yeah, I think you’re right, let Mitt be Miit.
