Mitch McConnell’s Hands

October 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Everybody all over the internet is wondering what the hell happened to Mitch McConnell’s hands.



Honey, that’s what happens to your hands when you sit on them for 47 years.



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0 Comments to “Mitch McConnell’s Hands”

  1. Harry Eagar says:

    Domestic violence? Met Rand Paul’s neighbor?

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Hopeful, optimistic, and not wanting to say anything particularly spiteful will ask – is retirement in Moscow Mitch’s near future?

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    That is what your hands look like when you punch the wall and belatedly realize you’re no longer 20 years old. Maybe he had been watching the debates?

  4. My husband said: “That dude looks like the devil is eating him up.”

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He would be wise (which he’s not) to check into a hospital. The swelling in his right wrist is a bad sign as in heart problems. Bet his ankles are also swollen. He might just be hanging on out of fear of missing the big vote on his scrotum nominee. Sorry, meant scotus. Darn spell check.

  6. His thumbs look particularly bad. I wouldn’t want to smell them.

  7. Nobody else?
    OK, I’ll say it:

    “You should see the other guy!”

  8. cookie jar was too small

  9. He had visible bruising around his mouth too. Maybe RBG has been beating up on him in his sleep.

  10. The rewards of a lifetime of evil. He may be dead, and the devil is propping him up one last time.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Thoughts and prayers [that it gets worse and hurts like hell]. Cadaverous mofo appears to have one foot in the grave.
    If this were Pelosi, Biden, or HRC , can you imagine how the wingnut media would be yowling 24/7? A top Rescummie, …crickets…

    This link has a few other pics, they’re even worse:

  12. Micr’s Family’s Thoughts and prayers to Moscow Mitch, in equal portions to those Moscow Mitch offered up over the years.

    PS to Moscow, Lady Karma says, “See you in 10 days or so!”

  13. Does he have scleroderma?
    “Doctors believe the cause is an overactive and out of control immune system.” (from HealthPrep).
    It’s usually not fatal when managed but it is a bitch.

  14. Sam in Superior says:

    Maybe it’s just the darkness in his soul that’s oozing out.

  15. OT WX advisory :
    This puppy looks like it will become TD/S Zeta soon. It’s progged to head into the Gulf of Mexico in a few days, look out Louisiana.
    Been watching this since last week, models were predicting something was cooking this week. Predicted ‘formation chances’ have gone from 10% to 0%, then steadily climbed to 70% today.

    “…Environmental conditions appear conducive
    for further development, and a tropical depression will likely form during the next day or two while the low drifts toward the northwest. The system could move near western Cuba by Sunday and move slowly across the southeastern Gulf of Mexico by early next week. Interests in western Cuba, the Florida Keys, and southern Florida should monitor the progress of this disturbance. Regardless of development, locally heavy rainfall will be possible over portions of the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Cuba, southern Florida, the Florida Keys, and the northwestern Bahamas through the weekend.
    * Formation chance through 48 hours…high…70 percent.
    * Formation chance through 5 days…high…70 percent.

  16. Karen in New Mexico says:

    Looks like he was out on his ole Kentucky home’s service porch washing his sheet and hood and got tangled up in the mangle. Thoughts and prayers McTurtle that you and your boyz will be gone in a few days.

  17. Wikipedia:
    “One of the first anticoagulants, warfarin, was initially approved as a rodenticide.[9]”

    They might want to back off on that dosage.

  18. Nah, the funeral director needs to top-off Vampire Mitch’s formaldehyde again and touch up his make-up.

    Maybe he’ll be “shovel ready” soon.

  19. John @15, I had to take that stuff once so I read up on it. Of course frequent INR [coag effectiveness] tests were done to monitor the blood levels.
    Was amazed to see it’s history and medical use discovery. First a moldy clover/grass cow killer, then a frickin’ rat poison!
    Hmmm, Moscow Mitch is quite a rat…

  20. My sister and I immediately thought of our mother, who went through five years of dialysis and heavy doses of Prednisone after a diagnosis of vasculitis. Prednisone has awful side effects but unfortunately it was the only thing that worked for her. Her skin looked just like that and was so fragile, it would slough off almost at a touch. It was heartbreaking helping take care of her until she passed away. I am no fan of McTurtle but it appears he is seriously ill. I’m sorry for that.

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    Never too soon to speculate and hope for a delightful duet from Kentucky Law and Lady Karma. Law says Democratic Gov Andy Beshear has to power to appoint vacant Senate seats. Our first guess was dramatic Covid-19 treatment, or Moscow Mitch took a serious tumble down a flight of stairs. But without broken bones?

    Line of possible successors if Mitch cannot proceed as Senate MAGAt Leader? By seniority: Charles E. Grassley, R-IA, Richard C. Shelby, R-AL, James M. Inhofe, R-OK, Pat Roberts, R-KS, Susan Collins, R-ME …. lol gotta stop at Soso Collins. But there are 4 more including Cornyn TX ahead of Leningrad Lindsey. And, to the benefit of both Democrats and Republicons, Teddie Crooze is much further down the list after Tim Scott, SC.

    Seriously. Remembering the “too soon” for gun safety discussions, or “too late” for Merrick Garland turned to “no time like the present” for Amy C. Batcrazy the schadenfreude of Moscow Mitch being replaced before he can gun through yet another unqualified judicial nomination is priceless and rich with irony.

    Is #hope trending in Kentucky?

  22. Has he been ob IVs?
    Looks like he blew a line.
    I am trying so hard not to gloat.

  23. One of the first anticoagulants, warfarin…

    Warfarin, from WARF, or Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. It’s a 14 story building in the middle of the UW-Madison campus. Back in the day, circa 1970, we referred to it as the Wis Army Research Foundation, as it was rumored to support Vietnam War research, missile trajectories or something or other.

    Glad to see one of warfarin’s original purposes is still in use, on rats, wherever they may be found.

  24. He looks like hell, them hands look like they are two days away from rotting off. Is he toughing it out to be a martyr to the Repugnant Party? What a guy, he’ll be famous!
    If his hands and mouth look like that what do his nether regions reveal? Who is brave enough to get us the report?

  25. Somebody needs to ask Elaine Chao when she stopped beating her husband,

  26. Looks like the citizens of Kentucky may want to vote for a living congress person. Kentucky deserves LOT better than a corpse.

  27. Looks like gout to me…

  28. Jane & PKM says:

    montag @ 25 lol are you suggesting that Moscow Mitch didn’t deliver on something needed for the Chao family shipping business?That might be a theory; even a plausible one. Might explain why Mitch is reluctant to talk about his ‘fall’ or whatever ails him.

  29. Having no medical expertise or the willingness to do even a a Google search to determine what might be afflicting this traitorous mass of civic malignancy, I defer to the good folks here and thank you for your service.
    I’m takin’ the low road on this one.
    Maybe fiction has gotten the whole zombie thing wrong. It’s a slow onset thing starting with the extemities?
    The brand of cool aid he’s been serving for decades that affects the minds of it’s consumers eventually poisons the offending appendages of the servers?
    Whatever higher power there may be finally got disgusted enough with the stupendous hypocricy of the people most responsible for harming so many people in his/her name and decided to have a little spiteful fun?
    Or maybe it’s just that Lady Karma decided to indulge herself. If it’s one of the last two I really hope they’re in a vindictive mood.

  30. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Judging from the photo of his face, it looks like makeup over severe bruising. Looks to me as if he took a bad fall, but then DeeCee seems to be full of elderly white guys who can’t walk down ramps, hold glasses of water, or keep from tripping over their white robes…guess they can’t see through the eye holes in the pointy masked hats.

  31. Jane & PKM says:

    P.P. @ 27 what low road? Seems we’re all very concerned for the people of Kentucky and wishing them the best up to including Lady Karma doing for them what their voting pattern hasn’t done for them in terms of their Senate seats.

    Nope. Honestly not “concern trolling” the fine folks of Kentucky. Not so cynical yet that writing off any of our 50 states would give any satisfaction. Nor so naive as to think some states may not need more help than others to comprehend that KYnect and otherwise named healthcare they love is Obamacare aka the ACA. Call it expanded medicaid, fact remains it wouldn’t be there without the ACA. That piece of legislation Republicons would take away from them and Donnie faithfully promises*^* he’ll replace every two weeks.

    *^* No joke. Team dummie Donnie actually took his alleged proposal on healthcare to the 60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl, not expecting anyone to actually open the huge tome. As we might expect the pages were blank, except for some of his executive orders. No proposals. Wonder if the DOJ lawsuits against the ACA were in the appendix.–opened-to-a-blank-page/#348effc8193d

  32. Coprolite says:

    Mitch’s Asian wife is a Dominatrix and she forces him to dress in black patent leather and beats him regularly on weekends.

  33. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Maybe kremlin Mitch has finally realized what a shitty person he is and is literally beating himself up. Banging his mouth with his fists, pounding them on a brick wall. Maybe he is worried about his legacy. Or he’s actually medically in deep shit.
    And karma is saying you were so giddy when RBG, an actual caring person, passed away, it’s your turn old geezer.

  34. PKM @31:
    Point taken.
    Coprolite @32:
    Glad I hadn’t just taken a sip of my drink. It woulda been wasted and made a mess.

  35. If it was a democrat it would be front page news. I’m on a blood thinner, my hands have never looked like that, nor any place else on my body. I’ve always bruised easily, my hands have never looked like that nor any place else on my body. I’ve had people dig around for a vein although I very shortly screamed and made them take the needle out, I’ve never looked like that on my hands nor any place else on my body. If it was a Democrat it would be Front Page News.

  36. I don’t know. Maybe it’s watching Boss Tweet take the future of what used to be the GOP, and turning it into the flying @$$monkeys. {*flush*}

    Meanwhile, McTurtle is just O.L.D…

  37. One wag said that he was spending too much time out of his coffin.

  38. Jane & PKM says:

    Coprolite @ 32. Moscow Mitch should be so lucky. Elaine Chao may be many things, but dumb isn’t one of them. Odds are she knows denying Mitch his punishment is his punishment, or however their S&M ship sails. Their pre-nup should be interesting reading. Not. But odds are it’s scratched with residues of cocaine and laced with salt.

  39. I make my diagnosis from Macbeth. Scene 2: Act 2.
    “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red.” Macbeth means that there is not enough water in the sea to cleanse his hands, but instead the blood on them will stain the ocean red.”
    No denying he’s got blood on his hands.

  40. BarbinDC, you win! I just busted out laughing when I read your comment.

  41. Boss tweet! Oh my God oh my God. I have never seen that anywhere else before. Please tweet boss tweet

  42. thatotherjean says:

    Wow, his hands look awful! The betting on the Daily Kos seems to be split between the possibility of his having been on a respirator and had his IVs infiltrate, or being old (78) and on blood thinners and taking a nasty fall and a face-plant, to explain his bruised mouth and horribly bruised hands. I suppose we’ll find out, eventually, but it can’t be good.

    I hope it gets bad enough by Monday that he misses the vote in the Senate for the SC nominee. Then I hope he loses the election. Retire and go home, Mitch!

  43. Auditioning for Blue Man Group? (In case his current gig falls through)

  44. John Thorne says:

    Looks like simple senile purpura to me. Old age, thin skin, and blood thinners causing easy bruising. I’m 71 and my right hand looked like this for about two weeks after I bumped on the kitchen counter. Ouchy but not really serious. I’m guessing he fell and caught himself on his hands.

  45. The Surly Professor says:

    BarbinDC @37: I agree with AK Lynne. Even if you did not come up with it, you brought it here and so get credit for it. That’s the kind of comment at which I stop reading on the Internet, and go out to rake leaves – so I can savor it and not have some other news ruin the mood.

    See y’all tomorrow, I’m off to have quality time with my rake!

  46. favorite comment I’ve read so far

    ‘There just may be a limit how long a body can live without a soul.’

  47. Buttermilk Sky says:

    There was a case last year (?) of a doctor in Wuhan, China, who contracted covid and whose skin turned black because of drugs affecting his liver. Could MM be a secret covid patient?

  48. Ormond Otvos says:

    IV patches both hands?
    I’ll bet ventilator.

  49. Ok, i knew 2 people who looked like that and both were terminally ill.

  50. Tex from Texas says:

    His meaness is moving to his hands!
