
September 06, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so it’s official now. The New York Times reports that there’s an official letter —

In the letter, Dr. Brian P. Monahan, the Navy rear admiral who serves as the on-site doctor in the Capitol for members of Congress and the Supreme Court, said his examination of Mr. McConnell, Republican of Kentucky — along with a brain M.R.I., an electroencephalogram study and a neurological consultation — had found no sign of a seizure disorder or stroke.

Well, damn.  That’s even worse.

So if it’s not a stroke, that means it either has to be demonic possession or a faulty wifi connection.

I dunno if I’m comfortable with either of those.

Damn, we’ve got troubles if there’s no medical reason for what’s happening to him.

I guess we have to call in the Pope or a representative from AOL look into it.  So. here we are.

0 Comments to “Mitch”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Maybe he needs a hard reboot? Or just the boot?

  2. Did the MRI show any evidence of a brain to have a stroke in?

  3. Haha JJ I think it’s even worse then that. All of Mitch’s symptoms point to Hunter Biden’s Laptop Disorder. Or even worse, the dreaded Benghazi!!! disease.

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    I have no sympathy for this alleged human. He spent vast amounts of time and energy trying to deprive non-donor Americans of even the vestige of health care that the ACA provides. He genuinely did not care if millions of children, disabled, or diabetic died as long as he could push his fascist, power-hungry agenda along. Pushing him offshore on an ice floe is too kind; but wait, we won’t have any of those available because he has also done everything possible to to jack up the prices of fossil fuels. He handed over the Supreme Court to the least qualified jackass to ever squat in the White House, and declared his number one goal in 2008 was to make Obama a one-term president.

    Sorry to sound bitter. Here, see if this is less mean: I vote for shoving a few AOL CDs into his head to see if that helps. At least it would get rid of some of the millions of those CDs that AOL seemed to flood the world with 30 years ago.

    “If I ordered a whole train full of SOBs and all they sent was him, I’d accept it as a full shipment.”

  5. I sometimes have “brain freeze” when I have had just a smidge too much of stress. I also had teachers all the way through 12 years of schooling who did the “silent treatment” to signify their intense displeasure with something the class or a student was doing. If all his tests were clear and OK, this may be what is happening to McTurtle.

  6. I forgot where I saw this written, but have they tried to unplug him and then plug him back in?

  7. *Dr* Monahan *suggests* …………..

  8. Dr. Brian P. Monahan…

    I went and looked up the doc who cleared 45 when he had the Covid: Dr. Sean Conley.

    I hate to say it, given my name and all, but I will think twice before going to an Irish doc.

  9. Agast in Austin says:

    If there is no evidence of neurological disorder or stroke, I would assume it was an acid freeze, except for the lack of his grinning his face off.

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Ronny Jackson was a Navy doctor (and rear admiral, I believe) when he proclaimed Trump fit and healthy. I think the problem is service doctors, Malarkey, not Irish ones.

    And now I’ll spend the day thinking about William Powell in “Mister Roberts,” whose prescription for everything was one aspirin.

  11. Harry Eagar says:

    I am more concerned about his behavior when unfrozen.

    Unlike Surly, I refer first to his behavior concerning the Supreme Court nomination in 2015.

  12. @Buttermilk #10

    My Googling skills had a burp! Thanks for either the eidetic memory or the better sleuthing skills!

    My faith in Irish doctors is restored.

  13. Sam in Mellen says:

    Even demons have standards.
