Miss Rick Santorum?

November 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know, he’s been awful quiet lately but he sounds off every now and then to remind you why you kinda miss him.

Rick Santorum is seeing Nazi’s again, y’all.

Rick-SantorumRick starts out by saying that he doesn’t think it’s likely that the United States is becoming Nazi Germany, but then he gets to rolling and there’s no stopping Rick on a roll.

“Germany prior to the Nazis getting there was a very religious country, was a Christian country. It was a very sophisticated country,” he said.

“Same thing here,” Santorum continued. “You think it’s just impossible for that to happen in America. And maybe it is, but maybe it isn’t.”

“If we continue down this path, things are not going to get better, and the chance of something really bad beginning to happen, where your faith is really constrained, or your lives are really in danger becomes a possibility down the road,” he said.

Bwahahaha … it could happen here.

This is Rick’s America.  Where freedom of religion means you are free to be any kind of Christian you want to be.  Well, maybe except for Episcopalians  They’re kinda weird.


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0 Comments to “Miss Rick Santorum?”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Miss Rick Santorum?

    I thought you were making a big announcement until I read further.

  2. Somebody warn Rick…based on my extensive research, the Nazis had a very dim view of pink ties.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    There’s no one better than Opus Dopey Santorum to make me scream, “freedom from religion.” We could send Mr. Santorum a full blog of danger courtesy of the SPCL’s Hatewatch. Yes, Rick there is danger out there. It’s mostly our home grown terrorists armed with guns and Bibles.

    Start with circa 1965, Rick. Civil Rights, followed by Women’s Rights, and yes, now LGBT Rights and Immigration Reform. Equality, Rick, that’s what most Americans want. We’re moving forward and we have no desire to return to any of your warm fuzzy places that were more fuzzy than warm.

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    “a Christian country. It was a very sophisticated country,” An odd combination.

    When you think of Westboro Baptist Church do you think “sophisticated?”

  5. Things That Suck Worse Than Ebola: Rick Santorum

  6. It sounds like ol’ Rick is implying that being a very religious, Christian country led to the Nazi’s rise in power. Sounds like a reason to oppose the Religious Right to me.

  7. Charlie Ammen says:

    Love the lavender suit and the pink tie.

  8. A really religious country but your faith is really constrained… not sure how he thinks those two go together, except that German Jews got pretty constrained. And, in case anyone here fell for the lie that Hitler was an atheist, he actually thought he was doing his god’s work by wiping out the Jews. The Pope at the time didn’t seem to have any problem with it.

    I don’t lose for making a comparison to Hitler because Rick brought up the Nazis first.

    I would say “I miss Rick Santorum but I’m working on my aim,” but that would be tasteless.

  9. Fred Farklestone says:

    Let’s see, it election time and my funds are running mighty low, this best time to crawl off of my bedsized Bible and start grifting again!
    PS to self:
    Don’t forget to order a gross of sweater vest’s, they’re such a hit at nursing homes!

  10. As usual, part of the problem complaining about the problem.

  11. The very, very conservative Catholic Miss Santorum seems to forget her history. Germany wasn’t just a Christian country, it was very Catholic country. And the Catholic church colluded with the Nazi party and was instrumental in bringing Hitler and the Nazis to power, in fact.

    So the actual lesson here, Miss Santorum, is that religion needs to stay out of politics. It is the conjoining of religion and politics that cause bad things to happen. Really, really bad things.

  12. publius bolonius says:

    Ooga-booga. The GOP answer for anything.

  13. The “very religious” people here are the most hate-filled bunch of liars and hypocrites one could find. Using religion to excuse racism, bigotry, misogyny, anti-intellectualism and greed has become a Republican industry.

  14. Let’s see:

    Nazis were pro-gay rights? Tolerant of ALL religions? Fostered free speech/freedom of publishing? Good at sharing power with opposition parties?

    Umm, not so much.

  15. @Mark J: it’s not at all that simple. Germany was heavily protestant; after all, the movement started there. The Nazis distrusted the Catholics because they were under the influence of the Pope, who they saw as a foreign power. You might start with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany#Denominational_trends_during_Nazi_period

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick Santorum: “We will never have the elite, smart people on our side”

    Bobby Jindal: “We have to stop being the party of stupid”

    Chris Christie: “Sit down and shut up”

    Be proud Republicans, be very proud, as two of your candidates call you stupid and the third reveals how much he wants to hear from you.

  17. As a college student, could Rick S. have been a pledge to Delta House, where perhaps he heard this stirring speech, and used it as a model all these years later:

    Bluto: What? Over? Did you say “over”? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

    Otter: [to Boon] Germans?

    Boon: Forget it, he’s rolling.

  18. That’s a horrible tie.

  19. The Nazis hated pretty much the same groups Santorum hates.

  20. Ralph Wiggam says:

    How timely that I just discovered this quote from Huey Long.

    “Anybody that lets his public policies be mixed up with religious prejudice is a plain [GD] fool.”

    (He was speaking of Hitler)

  21. Germany pre-Hitler was a Christian (i.e., “good”) country? Is he kidding? Anti-semitism was always rife in what eventually became Germany. It was the pet cause of officers in the Kaiser’s army. These same officers pandered it among the unemployed homeless vets of the Great War and made sure it stayed alive. Hitler, a vet of the Great War, simply picked it up and ran with it. As usual, Santorum and his ilk are no students of history and end up with an omelet on their faces when they try this comparison trick. I wonder if he realizes that he is in an underhanded way dissing members of the Greatest Generation who made sure there would never be a thousand year Reich.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    If you read about the Confessing Church during Hitler’s rise to power, they, the Confessing Church, were the one group of Christians who did not bow to Hitler and not all of them stuck together. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was the most famous member of the Confessing Church. He and his well-educated, sophisticated family worked with others to try to bring Hitler down. Bonhoeffer was a true saint who gave up his life rather than give in to Hitler. My cousin’s dissertation was THE WOMEN OF THE CONFESSING CHURCH, if you want to read scholarship that reads like a novel. The reason Hitler won at first is because the Germans were more afraid of the Communists than the Nazis. We need to go back further and see that the Germans were in dire straits because of what happened to them after World War I and Hitler looked pretty good. No easy answers. And if we are supposed to be nice to gays, let’s lay off the pink tie stuff.

  23. Marge Wood says:

    And i don’t like Santorum’s outfit either.

  24. Marge is on top of this.

    Bonhoeffer’s writings survive to this day and are routinely studied by theology, as well as philosophy, students. He was an active resister of Hitler’s nightmare fantasy.

  25. Y’know if the Repubs nominate Santorum and the Dems nominate road kill, say a swirl of squirrel for instance, 270 electoral votes isn’t a stretch for the road kill.

  26. Corinne Sabo says:

    Nice of him to equate Christians with Nazis.

  27. legion357 says:

    Marge is right, but religion didn’t have that much to do with Hitlers rise to power, nationalism did.
    After Germany s defeat in WW1, tons of sanctions were imposed on Germany.

    What seemed to be the worse for the German elite was a end of manufacturing anything that could possibly be used in a military manner, that led to hyper inflation and high unemployment of the working class.
    Hitler proposed that German nationalism would lower unemployment, inflation, national status and lead to the return of prosperity for all Germans.

    A sizable portion of Germany population was caught up in his rhetoric, manly unemployed working class peoples, so the bought into his theory.

    Until it was to late to do anything about it, and they had to go along to get along.

  28. I appreciate the last two sentences….because yes, we are, and proud of it. And glad that we don’t have a huge share of the Santorums of the world.

  29. Marge–

    Thanks for the reminder that the Blue Crew loves gays, too, so it’s okay with me if all the Ricks in the world are gay.

    It’s not at all okay with me if they don’t understand the concepts of “freedom from religion” and “equality for all.”

    Pink ties with lavendar suits are lovely; they just happen not to be the fashion leader in the US right now. I used to teach in a highly international graduate engineering program, where a lot of the men in the group used pink backgrounds for their slide presentations. I knew those guys, so I had to stifle my giggles, but they all were fine with it. When I was in high school, lots of guys wore pink shirts and were right in line with the rest of the fashion scene. And I personally think bras are misogynistic.

    Rick’s sex life doesn’t interest me. His st00pid public statements appall me.

  30. I can never understand how the right wing wackos claim that we’re headed to be Nazis because of liberals. They always manage to turn things on their head. Down is up and up is down. Logic and science be damned. I sometimes think we are headed to a fascist state because of Tea Partiers and right wingers nationalistic fantasies, 2nd Amendment lunatics, the bomb Iran club, Christian fundamentalists aka the American Taliban and the militarization of our local police forces. But then the mega corporations are the real rulers of the country/world.

  31. I can understand how the right wing wackos claim that we’re headed to be Nazis because of liberals. I wish I didn’t.

    Another name for Nazism is “National Socialism” (German: Nationalsozialismus).

    Since the word “Socialism” is in the name (albeit in a foreign language and with a completely different meaning), then clearly Nazis must have been socialists, who are of course absolutely identical to liberals.

    We see this sort of logic and word-twisting in pretty much all right-wing arguments. The only way they can “win” an argument is by changing what words mean.

  32. Okie-dokie says:

    Rick S. says this is a Christian country but where does he categorize the Catholic Church? They may agree on some things like same sex marriage and sexual minorities but Pope Francis has no problem with science. I left the RCC decades ago and when I was there no one teaching or in the church hierarchy actually took anything from the old testament literally.
