Miss Lindsey Graham Can Kiss My Big Blue Butt
After Elizabeth Warren delivered one of the finest speeches on the senate floor since … well, maybe forever … Lindsey Graham took the floor and oh dear God in heaven above he actually said words that burned a hole in my head.
“You’re tired, you’re frustrated, you’re upset about a provision in the bill you don’t like,” he added of Warren.
Yeah, his response was, “You’re a girl.”
I was very glad that I do not have smell-o-vision teevee because that stank like a pouch of week old crawfish tied to a billy goat. And Lindsey better be glad I don’t have real-o-vision teevee because I would have slapped his face.
You’re tired and upset? Oh yeah, that’s the only reason we women fight for anything – we’re tired and upset. The only thing he forgot is that it must be that time of the month.
Oh, but he wasn’t finished.
“If you follow the lead of the senator of Massachusetts and bring this bill down … people are not going to believe you are mature enough to run the place,” Graham said on the Senate floor. “Don’t follow her lead. She’s the problem.”
Oh yeah, we believe people who give our government to big banks are mature enough to run the joint.
Somebody get that boy a fainting couch because I do believe he’s worked himself into a tither. “She’s the problem,” is certainly one of his more mature statements. He had no justification for giving away the government except that Elizabeth Warren is tired.
Yeah, Bub, and so am I.
Thanks to John for the very cool graphic.