Misinformer of the Year:

December 27, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: Misogyny, Sumbitches

Every year, Media Matters awards a person/organization with the title Misinformer of the Year.  Started by David Brock back in 2004, Media Matters has been on a mission to counter what he dubs the Republican Noise Machine which was actually the title of one of his first books. The Misinformer award has been given to those who you would expect, like Sean Hannity, but also to CBS for it’s bogus Benghazi story a couple of years ago.  The Center for Medical Progress received the award in 2015 for its highly edited video designed to make it look like Planned Parenthood “sold baby parts” for profit, which it most certainly does not.

This year, the award is shared by two awardees: fake news and the “Alt-Right”.  They are both closely related as the “Alt Right” uses fake news to motivate its devotees to harass innocent people who it dubs a threat.  Those threats usually target females and/or people with a skin color that is not white and American.  Media Matters singled out Facebook for the proliferation of fake news by both political groups and simple money grubbers profiting from people’s gullibility.

Fake news and the “Alt-Right” are both cancers on society as they add nothing, but daily crucify truth and knowledge.  Media Matters is correct to call both of these out to the public.


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