Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall

February 06, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, I know you guys like freaky things on candidates’ campaign and expenditures accounts and here’s one you can use about Ted Cruz, as if you need more.  But, this one lets your imagination run wacky.

HOUSTON, Texas 77098

New Years Eve – Volume Social Club in Houston.

Your guess is as good as mine.


0 Comments to “Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall”

  1. Whatever it was, he obviously didn’t get his money’s worth.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Brazilian blowout- what the heck is that? Maybe he got a massage, too?

  3. Would not recommend them.

    Ted Cruz looks like a scruffy nerf herder.
    And why yes, I did watch Star Wars this weekend

  4. Sandridge says:

    Don’t know if this was covered before, but your favorite Congresscritter’s campaign fund apparently got ripped off [can’t tell since the story is unintelligible to me].
    The DKos article sucks, it primarily just links to a ‘rawstory’ article; rawsory as a website has always sucked, but is now inaccessible unless you ‘sign up’, so FT.
    But Nehls getting shafted in any way at all is good news. Misty J sounds sort of risque though.

    GOP house member Troy Nehls of Texas gets robbed blind by Misty J productions (?) :

  5. Like Spinal Tap, maybe Ted needed something that had to go up to 11?

  6. Sam in Mellen says:

    Judging by his looks, I’d guess their specialty is facial pubic hair styling

  7. I bet Ted ‘Pretty Boy’ Cruz went all out being it was New Years Eve and got the Brazilian Blow Out with Evening Look and Eyelash Application along with bright red Polish Change nails!
    (what the heck is Evening Look?)
    JJ since politicians can write personal grooming off as campaign expenditures why don’t you have Conservative Politician Specials at the Beauty Salon.
    Specials include …
    $1000.00 for Freedumb Look, Red White and Blue hair color.
    $1000.00 for ‘Own the Libs’ Cut, shaved head buzz-cut. (any size head, even Teds!)
    Etc., Etc.

  8. Harry Eagar says:

    Judging by the photographs, it specializes in making hair look messy.

    Sandridge@ : dunno which Rawstory you are visiting, but the one I read does not charge nor does it make you sign up.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    I was reluctant to click on that link … I have suppressed the memories and traumatic revulsion when Rafael’s porn preferences were published. And “Social Club” sounds like a euphemism.

    But then I find it’s just an overpriced hair cut. Maybe we should send him an invitation to have his ‘do done here at the WMDBS? Offer a cheaper cut … and then pack him off with neon green hair. That or Dayglo Orange to emulate his Lord and Master.

  10. Sandridge says:

    Harry Eagar @8, The ‘rawstory’ link that’s given twice in the DKos article that I gave.
    ‘Rawstory’ webpages have always triggered my very extensive computer security defenses before [IE- they run a very intrusive, insecure web op], which is why I normally –never– look at it.
    Perhaps your ‘puter’s not as well protected?
    However, just out of curiosity I followed the weblink off of the DKos article, the ‘rawstory’ link now gives me a fullpage ‘sign up or you ain’t going anywhere’ –block–, with no access to the actual article, so :
    “[Was going to C&P the blocking page text here , but they have the webpage –locked down– and unable to do a simple copy. So I ‘printed’ a pdf of the whole webpage itself [which my preferred Opera browser makes a very simple task], and captured part of it. That pdf capture itself is wonky, so rawstory’s web designers are using some very sophisticated techniques in order to prevent people from unrestrictedly viewing their webpages . So FT..]
    Here’s a ‘cautionary’ sentence that appeared on/in the pdf file that I captured from the webpage, the pdf did seem to present the article text, but that’s a lot of tricky shit to just be able to read a webpage. :
    “This article was paid for by Raw Story subscribers. Not a subscriber? Try us and go ad-free for $1. Prefer to give a one-time tip? Click here. ”
    No thanks, rawhide, not moi….
    If they find this they’ll probably get even worse..

  11. thatotherjean says:

    Whatever service he was getting, it didn’t work. He’s just as fugly as he ever was

  12. Brazilian blowout? is there a George Santos connection?

  13. My guess: Cruz was getting a sanitary trim and wax.

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    Eeeew – just think if you had to touch anything on that man!

  15. There’s something really creepy/fishy about the site if you follow your lack of common sense (like I did) and keep clicking. I clicked on one of the camera icons beneath the pictures and got an Instagram message that stated “We suspended your account on February 1, 2023, stating it doesn’t follow their community guidelines and isn’t available to people on Instagram right now, and you can’t use it.” Then there is 24 days to disagree with the decision.

    God only knows what I have exposed myself to by doing that. If I find myself on porn site lists now, I am not going to be very happy. Don’t do it. I’ll let you know…me, taking one for the team. Yikes!

  16. And, of course, not having the sense that God gave a goose, I clicked on another one and got the same message. I may be getting porn offers from men and women. I will hold Rafael Cruz personally responsible.

  17. JJ !! Someone’s trying to horn in on your Beauty Salon bid’ness!!!

  18. And Senator Charles Schwertner (R, of course) got picked up for DUI. How sweet.

  19. Beauty? Ted Cruz? ROFLMAO!!!!!

  20. Does George Santos have anything to do with the ‘Brazilian Blowout’? Now get your mind out of the gutter. Remember Ted is a Christian.

  21. Clicked on the lead. Social Club? Hair salon? Yeah. Like you’ve never seen! Looking forward to the news accounts when this joint is raided and ever so many top dogs are caught doing what they shouldn’t! Everything about this website screams “dirty, dirty, dirty!”

  22. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m copying this mainly for the picture of fled cruz and 2 of his friends. If you’ve wanted to say piss on you to fled and TFFG, you will enjoy-


  23. Sandridge says:

    Y’all have been speculating a lot about that place, I didn’t mention it but the general address was familiar to me so I looked it up.

    It’s an address on lower Westheimer Road [a major E-W artery], a few blocks west of Montrose; and east of tony River Oaks, where Ted C lives.
    It’s the area of inner Houston that has been the center of LGBTQ life in Houston for many decades [intersection of Westheimer and Montrose is ‘ground zero’].

    The only reason I know the area is because of working long-term projects in Houston over the decades, and sometimes residing in hi-rise corporate apartments right in downtown Houston [co. rent was $1.5-3K+/mo 40-50 years ago, nice digs*]; and then commuting out Westheimer Rd. to various westside Houston locations [over years had ‘lived’ around the whole region from Galveston to Columbus depending on the projects; the life of a hi-tech “road warrior” in company lodging and on an expense account, before that was a term].

    Generally working deep nights and weekends, passing along that Westheimer area at peak nightlife times was quite an eyeopener for a lil’ ol’ smalltown country guy [when I mentioned it, my local co-workers educated me].

    * Hey, a secure luxury apartment**, concierge, fancy restaurants, pools, parking floors, fantastic views, what more could one want if you had to be away from home?
    ** Staying in ‘more normal’ apartments way out Westheimer near 6 once, supposed to be good new area, people got robbed in the parking lot [but I always carried a weapon no matter where…].

  24. Sandridge says:

    Steve from Beaverton @22, Great imagery ain’t it, I saw that too and forgot to mention it.
    I was wondering if the ‘artwork’ is actually on the urinal wall, or was photoshopped on? And who is the third a-hole?

    Fled and TFFG will need deep moats around their ‘final resting places’ for sure…
