Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall …

December 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’re not going to believe me so I’ll just quote.

Cathie Adams, former Texas GOP chair and current Texas Eagle Forum president, gave a pre-election address earlier this year, claiming that a “Marxist” President Barack Obama had “fried his brain on drugs.”

Fried Cathie

Cathie also thinks that Barack Obama is a Marxist and green.  I have no idea what she means by green but probably like, you know, Kermit, I guess.

Cathie is also one mean nest of fire ants.  She gets to talking and her tongue starts saying all manner of idiotspeak.

During her speech, Adams also criticized a “narcissistic” Obama, saying the look he gave to then-GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney during one of the debates had made her so mad that she “wanted to go up and just smack his face.”

I dare ya.  I double dog dare ya, woman.

You know, I don’t recall Barack Obama having a telepromter during the debates.  After the first debate, his brain appeared to work fairly well.

I can’t be sure about this but I think that must have been Cathie’s Christian speech.  She talks much trashier in private.

Thanks to Bob, Brian, Kathleen and Steve for the heads up.

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