Mike Toomey

December 16, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mike Toomey is a political hack for big business and he’s Rick Perry’s best friend.  Toomey is Perry’s former Chief of Staff turned Austin lobbyist who rakes in the big dollars for his known coziness with Perry.

In the world of big legal corruption, Toomey is Perry’s pimp.  Everything that links Rick Perry to pay to play has to go through Toomey.   From Perry’s Executive Order to give every teenage girl in Texas an HPV vaccine to a very lucrative land deal for Perry in 2003, Mike Toomey’s lobbying clients stand to gain off of Perry’s every action.  And so do Mike and Rick.

Toomey even got caught buying a Green candidate to divide the Democratic vote.  In Toomy’s book, nothing is too sleazy to do for Rick Perry. Well, I think that’s in Perry’s book, too.

Including cheating.

Two Washington-based watchdog groups filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday, accusing Rick Perry’s campaign and a pro-Perry super PAC of violating campaign finance laws.

The Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 wrote in a letter to the FEC that it appeared the super PAC, Make Us Great Again, produced video and then gave it to the Perry campaign free of charge. Federal law prevents super PACs from making any kind of contributions to candidates.

And guess who runs the Super-PAC “Make Us Great Again” that is named as the violator in the complaint – Mike Toomey.

They say that even the thought of Rick Perry in the White House makes dollar signs appear in Toomey’s eyes.

Here’s a hint for other Watchdog groups – if Mike Toomey has touched it, it’s corrupt.

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