Mike Huckabee: Have No Shame, Will Pander
Mike Huckabee claims to be a man of God.
He’s not.
I told you a couple of weeks ago about him glorifying the use of violence against violence.
And now, faced with the fact that little children have been victims of violence, Mike says it’s because we took God out of the school and apparently God is pissed about it.
We ask why there’s violence in our schools, but we’ve systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools have become a place of carnage? Because we’ve made it a place where we don’t want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability.
So I guess there was a shooting in a church because we took algebra out of the scripture.
Mike Huckabee worships a mean, vindictive spiteful God. It’s certainly not my God. You cannot take God out of schools. God is everywhere. God is far more powerful than Huckabee’s little wimpy mean bully God.
I know the NRA is already preparing press releases that we should let teachers have guns to keep this from happening. Well, those kindergarteners’ teacher did have a gun, several in fact, and her son used the teacher’s guns to kill her classroom. So, NRA, just shuddup.
And Mike Huckabee, there is a real special place in hell for those who call Lord, Lord, in vain.