Michelle Malkin (shiver) Defends Rick Perry’s Rocks

October 05, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is nice to see that an uber spokesperson for the far right, that does not give a cow chip about the average man, woman or child, still has the ability to empathize with someone who does not give a cow chip about the average man, woman or child.

Stephen W., customer

Michelle Malkin (shiver) accuses the Washington Post of “Macaca Journalism” for calling out Rick Perry for having inappropriate words written on a rock on his hunting lease.   Apparently, according to Malkin (shiver), Virginia GOP Gov. George Allen didn’t mean nothing when he called a young man of Indian descent a racial slur and neither did Rick Perry.

Now, in case you’re wondering why a writer like Malkin (shiver) thinks words do not matter, you need to quit wondering stuff.  That crap will get you into trouble every time.

Malkin (shiver) says that Perry is not a racist and she would know that because he appointed a black man to the Supreme Court and has – oh, no, here it comes – he has some black friends.  Well, that certainly makes up for anything carved in stone on your hunting lease.

Nobody is saying that Rick Perry is a racist.  What we are saying is that he’s certainly comfortable around those who are.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads-up.

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