Michele, Bless Her Heart

June 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michele Bachmann, always on the alert for paranoid inducers, let us know that there was a “suicide-bomber conference” in Chicago.

I don’t see anything wrong about a “suicide-bomber conference.”  Clear the area, stand back and let them practice.  Face it, if there’s gonna be a “suicide-bomber conference,” there’s only going to be one.  Hint: if you get an invitation to a “suicide-bomber conference,” don’t go.  It’s somewhat likely that there will be suicide bombers there.

However, if you are Michele Bachmann, you most certainly need to go because we’ll want a full report if anyone at the conference is removing the American flag from outside their office.  Because if they are, that’s serious stuff.

Michele just moved from Scary Presidential Candidate to World Class Entertainer.

Thanks to Claudia for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Michele, Bless Her Heart”

  1. daChipster says:

    Bachmann is crazy like a rabid fox with a messiah complex.

    Just so we’re clear: she wants Obama to cancel a conference which was already cancelled of “suicide bombers” who don’t advocate violence.

    But underneath it all, she made her dogwhistle point: President = Chicago Muslim.

  2. Bud Malone says:

    She looks like Martha Raye. Sorry about that, Martha. Rest in peace.

  3. That is a perfect picture, Miss JJ.

    You are correct, daChipster, even wackos have a logic to their rantings. Michele is firing on all cylinders, she’s just driving a clown car. Some people respond to that sort of thing. I sure wish our tax money wasn’t going to pay for the drivers.

  4. Sam in Kyle (June 14) says:

    Judging from her Presidential campaign, Michele is an expert on bombing.
