Michele Bachmann Becomes First Victim of Sanity Eating Virus. Louie Gohmert is the Carrier.

July 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all.


She’s fallen and she can’t get up.

Michele Bachmann believes in the boggy man, but he’s not under her bed, he’s everywhere, he’s everywhere!  And sometimes he’s a she.

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann is facing a public firestorm over her accusations that the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating the federal government and working for “America’s demise.”

Her attacks, including one directed at Huma Abedin, an aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, prompted Sen. John McCain, the 2008 Republican nominee for president, to denounce her from the Senate floor on Wednesday, where he defended Abedin and called Bachmann’s comments “specious and degrading.”

I’m not saying that John McCain is the greatest man who ever lived, but, dammit, he’s got the dignity to stand up to such fruitcake baking.

Personally, I think she’s like Ann Coulter – she will say anything to get attention.

And who else is on that Look At Me! list?  Louie Gohmert.

They were also signed by Republican Reps. Louie Gohmert (Texas), Trent Franks (Ariz.), Thomas Rooney (Fla.) and Lynn Westmoreland (Ga).

Lookie here, please don’t tell them that I’m a member of the Democratic Party, the Saucy Ladies Book Confab, and the wine of the month club.  I am certain that they’ll call me the boggy man, too.

Thanks to Claudia for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Michele Bachmann Becomes First Victim of Sanity Eating Virus. Louie Gohmert is the Carrier.”

  1. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Michele and Louie make me think two villages someplace are desperately looking for their idiots.

  2. MCPO RET says:

    Amen to that, but what about the villages full of idiots who put them where they are?
    Hell, I’m afraid to visit my friends in Longview because I’ll have to drive through those places.

  3. Boggyman or Boogyman … the first one mires you in a swamp full of mud, the other scares the mud out of you!! So, just saying, either one fits both Bachmann and Gohmert!!

    Sgt. Mike is right … too many villages losing their idiots these days!!

  4. It’s about time that some republicans are willing to confront nuts like Bachmann and the other nuts that signed the letter alleging that the MB has infiltrated the U.S. government. Ed Rollins is also on the record saying that Bachmann often gets hers facts wrong, or something similar to this. The unvarnished truth is that Bachmann is a liar and dabbles in conspiracy theories to get attention. I’m glad her butt is being called out for lying. Bachmann is the reason that a Tea Party Caucus exists in the House of Representatives. She made herself queen of a movement that many Americans currently dislike more than they dislike atheists.

  5. I think that one of the other nut cases who signed this letter is running for Senate in Arizona. Can you imagine that idiot in the Senate?

  6. penelope roberts says:

    what interests me is: if one muslim in the state department means infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood, then who is infiltrating on the coattails of the christians?

    stands to reason, right?

  7. Hey, maybe the folks who reside in their respective Congressional Districts figure it’s safer to keep Ojos Locos and Screwy Louie out of the state as much as possible?Even village idiots need a vacation now and then.

  8. Role-playing AnnDRomney here:

    “letter alleging that the MB has infiltrated the U.S. government”

    Tis TRUE – CrazeeChele (Michele B.) has INFILTRATED the US govt.

  9. I did a facepalm when I read that Gohmert was one of the asshats behind this slimy accusation. Can Texas look any dumber?

  10. Bud Malone says:

    Bachmann, unfortunately, is from Minnesota’s 6th congressional district. She is noted for insufferable nonsense, hostile in tone and arrogant demeanor, all truly mind numbing. Her constituents are largely well heeled Republicans.

  11. Austinhatlady says:

    I swear, these people just dream up slightly implausible scenarios for a season of “24” and then act as it those scenarios have really happened.
    Bud, I love that “insufferable nonsense.” Perfect.

  12. There are so many other Republicans who could have joined Michele and Loony Louie that I have to wonder who restrained them.

  13. That does it. Something has to be done about this irresponsible behaviour. I just heard that the reason Hillary Clinton was heckled in Egypt is that they thought MB was some sort of spokesman for the American public. This has got to stop – it is not only a clown show for Americans, it is affecting our international reputation.

  14. ks sunflower says:

    Let us not forget how Michele Bachmann ran out of the women’s restroom because she was approached by two lesbians (one of whom was a nun). All they wanted was to ask her questions. But out she ran and complained to the manager because she was afraid they were going to way their way with her or that she might catch the big “L” from them.

    I mean, what self-respecting Lesbian would ever want to have a close encounter with that nut job? I think anyone would be afraid of catching Crazy. I am not sure I would ever want to get close enough to ask her a question, let alone walk up to her in a small area. Yikes, Michele gives me the willies. Crazoid Michele.

  15. Mz Patti says:

    I keep asking….. HOW do these people keep getting re-elected, year after miserable year?????? Is anyone even running AGAINST these idiots? Or is it genuinely unsafe for normal, thinking people to drive thru their home districts? I have Muslim friends in Denver, whose dear, dear children are like my own children… precious, beautiful, smart, clever…good All American kids from loving families… and US citizens. Asshats… good term for them, but just scratching the surface of what I am really thinking of these fools.

  16. Michele’s initials are MB. Muslim Brotherhood’s initials are also MB. Coincidence? Or is she part of the conspiracy to infiltrate the Republican Party? After all, she did get a Swiss citizenship a few months ago. Somebody should urge Louie to start an investigation.

  17. @Anna. OMG – you are on to something! I do NOT think it is a coincidence. When you add that to the Swiss thing – it is as clear as day. Spread it forward.

  18. Jeannie says:

    One of my MN friends lives in MN’s 6th congressional district and she can’t stand MB. But I disagree with comment #10 above. This is one of the poorest districts in MN and it is mostly old people and mostly Catholics. They love her for her anti-abortion stand and don’t seem to see past that, mainly her stupidity.

    Last night and tonight Anderson Cooper had good segments about Michelle Backman’s ridiculous charges regarding Muslims. Keith Ellison was also on and he was very good – Michelle should take some lessons from him about how to be a rational, intelligent person.

  19. She’s sane? You sure she just caught the crazy virus JJ?

  20. Okie girl says:

    Lord help me! Trent Franks is my Congressvarmit! I keep voting against him but I’m surrounded by loonies who keep voting him in!

  21. So, she’s okay with having a Mormon in the White House? I mean, at least he’s a white Mormon.

  22. I never believed there were Zombies out there but something is eating their brains. I cite MB and LG as proof!

  23. aggieland liz says:

    I’m w you Mz Patti. My bro-in-law is Malaysian, from around Kuala Lumpur. He is he dearest man, an absolutely delightful person. His PRACTICE of his faith puts most of the Christians I know to shame, including myself. I have learned a few things from him. My niece just graduated from high school first in her class with numerous other academic and athletic honors as well. My nephews are coming along behind her post haste and doing similarly well (she’s beautiful too, but I AM a little partial).

    They are AMERICANS, dammit, and if you ask me they at their tender ages represent us and what’s GREAT about us far better than morons like Bachmann and Gohmert whose public posturing about their Flag and Faith is convenient cover for their real worship, and true love – which is of course Mammon, the Canaanite godlet of wealth.

  24. Rev. Bill McIntyre says:

    You have become the “Will Rogers” of our time. Thanks.

  25. MCPO RET says:

    Just finished reading Texas Monthly article concerning Texas women.
    Mentioned in the Swartz article was the fear thatr moderate Repug women and men have of loosing in the primaries if they vote their consience and against the bat#### crazies.
    That fear extends to our newspapers and elected U.S. legislature.
    I’ve attempted to get our newspapers and my goofy congessman (Blake) to condemn these lunitics and Blake won’t and my editor letters are never published.
    Chicken stuff.

  26. gidget commando says:

    Why do I get the impression that John McCain’s more hisownself, or at least his own BETTER self, being a senator than he ever was a presidential candidate?

  27. MCPO RET says:

    ALL, check out Jim Wright’s Stonekettle Station take on this story!

  28. As a follow-up to Mz. JJ’s comments here, I, too, recommend Jim Wright’s commentary today:


  29. What is the most scary to me about this insufferable woman, is that she sits on the House Intelligence Committee, and John (Bonehead) Boehner….. refuses to remove her from access to possibly some stuff she has no business at all knowing.

  30. DHS and the State Department both announced that these agencies were not going to investigate Bachmann’s and Gohmert’s allegations http://thinkprogress.org/security/2012/07/20/556171/state-and-homeland-security-departments-wont-investigate-bachmanns-islamophobic-allegations/

  31. Bonnie Ringen says:

    There is an excellent piece on this at Stonekettle Station and he suggests (rightly so) that you contact your representatives and ask them to put the pressure on Michelle B. to reveal her facts, and if there aren’t facts to back this up then she and her cohorts need some sanctions of the harshest kind.

  32. Hide me, I'm from Floriduh says:

    My own Congressman, Tom Rooney, for whom I did not vote but still had a modicum of respect, has inexplicably jumped into this alternate universe of the irrational, which has shocked me to my core. In the last conversation I had with him, he implied that he wasn’t exactly enamored of the Tea Party, yet felt he had to follow his “Marching Orders” from above. He seemed quite weary of his own party’s intransigence for political gain, so I must wonder: what is REALLY going on with these virulent right-wingers, that they can call the shots for somewhat rational Republicans to THIS degree? Now we’re facing an election with Allen West as Rooney’s replacement. May the Flying Spaghetti Monster help us all. It’s too bad that Rooney may go down as “Looney Rooney” now. PATRICK MURPHY FOR CONGRESS!!!
