Message to Kevin McCarthy: Stop Bullshitting about Spending

February 04, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Debt Limit

McCarthy and the TFG Wing of the GOP are suddenly clutching their pearls and swooning over federal spending and budget deficits under the Biden administration.  And during such pearl clutching, they keep citing “$31 trillion in debt,” and that “we need to get spending under control.”  At the same time as he’s introducing turmoil into every American’s life by threatening the global economy, he’s decrying causing turmoil.  Saying he wants “government to work,” he’s guaranteeing on several fronts that it doesn’t.

The debt is currently about $31 trillion dollars, which sound like a huge number, right?  It is, but let’s look at it in perspective.  US debt was at $20 trillion when TFG took office.  When he left office, it was $28 trillion, caused by a gigantic tax cut to billionaires, a huge spending spree on his wall, defense spending, and bungling of the pandemic response which caused the highest unemployment rate in history as well as collapsing the economy.  In fact, that $8 trillion increase represents 25% of all US debt today.  And it goes without saying that McCarthy and his Trumpist friends increased the debt limit THREE TIMES without conditions during that same period of time to fund the TFG spending spree.

So Kevin, let’s stop bullshitting ourselves about spending and the debt.  The facts are that when there is a GOP president in office, spending and deficits don’t matter.  When a Dem is in office there’s nothing more critical than spending and deficits with a 24/7 hysteria over spending.  This is blatant mob style hostage taking to keep their base whipped up going into 2024.  Like 2011, Republicans are once again threatening the GLOBAL economy to extract unspecified spending cuts (except for threatening seniors with cuts to social security and medicare, AGAIN).  Obama learned the hard way not to negotiate with hostage takers.  Thankfully, Biden was there and learned that same lesson.  All McCarthy deserves from him is the middle finger.

I’m personally sick to death of McCarthy’s bullshit.  I know it won’t change anything, but I feel better at least telling him so.

0 Comments to “Message to Kevin McCarthy: Stop Bullshitting about Spending”

  1. Sam in Mellen says:

    Until they propose repealing the corporate tax cuts and cutting defense spending there’s no room for negotiations. If it takes defaulting on debt, this may be the only thing that gets people’s attention on how dangerous this GOP is.

  2. Thanks you El Jefe.
    IMO. it’s hard to overcome willful ignorance by 1/2 the population.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    While it’s generally irksome, Qevin McQarthy and his Fool Caucus can be inadvertently amusing. For instance, this Chinese weather balloon or alleged spy balloon was pure comedy gold. MAGAt Marge went all out along with all the Qcumber voters. Imagine the sleep they lost for several days sitting in their yards waiting to be the Davy Crockett to shoot it out of the sky at a range that varied between 60-80,000 feet. Funny that. The Chinese did an epic troll of the media and the GOP. While it was Commander-in-Chief Biden who led the military in scoring the hit. ***crickets on that*** to follow.

    As for the deficit. Lordy. The GOP are anything but ‘fiscal conservatives.’ Ask any of them to explain the difference between deficit spending and national debt. Do not expect an answer. They’ll deflect onward and downward to spurious attacks on social spending. If one is a glutton for punishment, ask them what they think about spending on education versus their toddler to prison pipeline.

    Full disclosure: I believe in investing in people which includes education, housing, medical care and all the basic human needs. A true fiscal conservative such as I prefer the best ROI. Austerity or trickledown economics is a failed plan over decades. But keep swinging that dead cat, Qevin.

  4. David in Texas says:

    I recall reading “extreme measures “ are being taken while this debt ceiling stays in place… perhaps freeze congressional pay of ALL elected officials and their entire staffs…? Even freeze the retirement pensions of any former office holders??

    I would suggest this action be considered an “appropriate measure”…

  5. Speaker Squish and his crew can’t even state what they want because they haven’t thought that far ahead.
    They never do.

  6. Nick Carraway says:

    I generally don’t like the “let’s give them what they want to show them how awful it will be” gambit. Some isolated voters did that in 2016. It was indeed horrible. Maybe that’s fine for the little things but not for something like this.

  7. Sandridge says:

    150% on what El Jefe and everybody wrote.
    There is no F’ing way that this nation survives much longer with nearly 50% of the population made up of absurdly manipulated and willingly ignorant cretins totally incapable of critical thought.
    The RWNJ locals around here [75-85% of pop.] have been in —total meltdown— since January 2021 about Biden, Demonrats, the ‘wiped out economy’, taaaxxesss, National Debt [more than 70% run up under Raygun, Dumbya and Donnei tRump], Chinee!!, Messkins. Drugs, Slaves, &etc pouring across the border, etcetcetc.
    NO amount of facts nor documentation can ever dissuade them from the massive quantity of propaganda that they swill down 24/7/365, and they beg for more.
    I don’t know how the fuck they can stand the stress of just existing in their delusionary world.

    “Public debt as a percentage of GDP fell rapidly in the post-World War II period, and reached a low in 1973 under President Richard Nixon. Debt as a share of GDP has consistently increased since then, except during the terms of presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Public debt rose during the 1980s, as President Reagan cut tax rates and increased military spending. It fell during the 1990s [[during the Clinton era]], due to decreased military spending, increased taxes and the 1990s boom. Public debt rose sharply in the wake of the 2007–08 financial crisis and the resulting significant tax revenue declines and spending increases.

    The US Public debt rose dramatically during the 2019-2021 COVID-19 Pandemic due to emergency measures to sustain the economy during large scale economic retraction in most industries with concomitant high unemployment.[2]”

  8. Sandridge says:

    And I’m surely bound for hell, because my outside temperature reading from my weather station was holding on 66.6 degrees for a while today :
    “Online(updated 4 seconds ago)
    February 4, 2023
    66.6 °F Feels Like 66.6 °
    WIND & GUST 0.0 / 3.0 mph
    DEWPOINT 49.4 ° F
    PRESSURE 30.24 in
    HUMIDITY 54 %
    PRECIP RATE 0.00 in/hr
    PRECIP ACCUM 0.00 in

    [Gonna be in the mid-70-80°s for the next week, I’ll take it. Last couple of weeks have been up and down 60-30°s, with actually some rain too. ]

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Repugnanticans in congress have convenient selective memories and the luxury of an electorate that does not care about truth and facts. If it sounds like they are owning the libs, it must be good. The growth in the deficit since TFFG left office is certainly in large part a result of the tax cuts for the top 1%.

  10. The puppet HAS to do what his master/mistress tells him to do .

  11. It’s Republican Xmas again! Here we go again, works like a charm!

    ‘The GOP used a Two Santa Clauses tactic to con America for nearly 40 years
    This scam has been killing wages and enriching billionaires for decades
    By Thom Hartmann’

    “Here’s how it works, laid it out in simple summary:

    First, when Republicans control the federal government, and particularly the White House, spend money like a drunken sailor and run up the US debt as far and as fast as possible. This produces three results – it stimulates the economy thus making people think that the GOP can produce a good economy, it raises the debt dramatically, and it makes people think that Republicans are the “tax-cut Santa Claus.”

    Second, when a Democrat is in the White House, scream about the national debt as loudly and frantically as possible, freaking out about how “our children will have to pay for it!” and “we have to cut spending to solve the crisis!” This will force the Democrats in power to cut their own social safety net programs, thus shooting their welfare-of-the-American-people Santa Claus.”

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Chip Roy makes TX proud with repugnantican gibberish on cutting the debt-

    And Pence wants to run in 2024 on privatization of Medicare. Ya, good idea to add an additional layer of profit to Medicare.

    This is going to be a shit show.

  13. Grandma Ada says:

    I saw an apt video of a Republican today – it was a roomba moving about a room; it heads one direction then hits a chair leg, heads in another direction, hits a sofa, heads in another direction . . . This is today’s GOP!

  14. Gotta finally say – – the last McCarthy I ever really paid any attention to sat on Edgar Bergan’s knee. As a ventiloquist’s dummy, Charlie McCarthy was way ahead of Qevin in IQ and charm!
