Merry Christmas

December 24, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Merry Christmas”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Merry Christmas, y’all, and Happy Whatever other Holiday you celebrate!

  2. I’ve been waiting for this all year! Love, love, love it. It isn’t officially Christmas until this particular Santa shows up!

    Merry Christmas to JJ and Thelma and all the ladies of the WMDBS and everyone who contributes to this site.

  3. Ted on the left coast says:

    Happy Holidays to the salon and all its helpers. Let’s hope the new year brings to Texas a little bit of sanity.

  4. Happy holidays to all. And for a new year touched by hope, decency, success, and joy.

  5. Panthercityhorn says:

    Merry Christmas to the staff of the website that gives me hope that someday the word normal will again apply to our state, the nation, and the world. That said, I am sharing my Christmas wish list here in hopes that one or more items actually can be delivered sometime:
    1. 45 is forced to relinquish ALL items requested regarding the events of January 6 and is then imprisoned without pardon.
    2. Ken Paxton, Greg Abutt, Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert, MTG, Gaetz, and the rest of the clown show masquerading as public servants all be held accountable and found guilty of failure to meet minimum requirements therefore forfeiting their positions for eternity.
    3. The gerrymandered state of Texas as well as every other state that has been slanted to limit voting rights be returned to something that resembles a fair and reasonable representation of ALL of the people.
    4. The Supreme Court decisions handed down for whatever is left of my life be based on the true spirit of the law rather than the political party they represent.
    5. Peace on earth, etc.

  6. Peace and joy to you JJ and happy memories of the most exquisitely coiffed Santa, ever.

  7. Merry Christmas everyone!

    Typing as fast as I can which is every molasses joke you’ve heard and then some. But before the next BSOD courtesy of the latest malware, Blister, not to be confused with the reindeer Blitzen. This one attacks all Microshaft products. Fortunately, two of our friends are super genius computer geeks because while I’m not too shabby at detection and destruction stuff, this bit of malware is ultra sneaky. It activates every time after a reboot.

  8. Merry Christmas to all!
    And to JJ who keeps this blog going!!

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Happy Holidays to all of you. And I’m hoping for a more sane 2022. Definition of a sane society- free from mental derangement; have or showing good sense and sound judgement; tries to stay healthy. I believe this applies to those that frequent the WMDBS which is why I follow you all. It’s a stretch to hope the other side will strive to get sane, but maybe some (many??) will. We can only hope.

  10. thatotherjean says:

    Happy Winter Holidays to everyone here at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon! Peace, love, health and happiness to all, and many, many thanks to Ms. JJ for one of the best meeting places on the Internet.

  11. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!
    Whichever holidays are celebrated, observed, and enjoyed! To staff, customers, and hell even the folks who show up just to listen.
    Of the best, most dangerous beauty salon that ever was!

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    A good Christmas story-

    THE WASHINGTON POST: A man strung Christmas lights from his home to his neighbor’s to support her. The whole community followed.

  13. Gloria Hooper says:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours.

  14. Ms JJ, may God grant you strength and courage for the days to come and nothing but sweet memories of my favorite judge, old bubba!

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    So this ex-Medford, OR cop said he was just kidding when he told President Biden “let’s go Brandon” on a Christmas Eve call to the Santa tracker event held at the WH. Oh, and now he says he was just kidding, meant no disrespect. Sure he was. Bet he gets a call out from trumpf and company:

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    In the early Christmas gifts from Mr. Mark Banks, Esquire, it would appear that Alex Jones is DONE with all his futile attempts to joust when he simply is not so equipped. Headlines have it that Alex is competing in less weighty arenas with having his wife arrested for domestic abuse while sparring with the noncontender the ***king moron**. The wife? Am guessing she had the audacity to laugh at him thus hurting his snowflake fee fees.
