Meet My Neighbor

August 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to meet my neighbor, Thomas Bartram. He’s 21 years old and doesn’t have near enough to do with his time.  He lives with his father in Greatwood, an upper middle class community about 2 miles from my house.



He has harassed at least two of my friends  at vigils and another one in a parking lot because of her bumper sticker. His pickup has a large banner portraying Donald Trump as Rambo, a Ted Cruz sign and bumper stickers for the far-right conspiracy website InfoWars.  I’ve seen the pickup. You can’t miss it.

An armed Trump supporter was detained and released by police Wednesday outside a community space for immigrants in El Paso, Texas, days after a mass shooting that killed 22 people at a Walmart in the border town.

Witnesses said they called police after Thomas Bartram, 21, made threatening comments to people and brandished a knife while sitting in his truck outside of community center Casa Carmelita.

He had a gun, a knife, a bag of white powder, and was wearing latex gloves.

Police detained him and then released him because it was determined that no criminal offense had been committed.


Reached by phone, Bartram said he often went to Trump rallies, but said he tried to be respectful of the high tensions in El Paso following the shootings—though he said he could not rule out the possibility that the massacre had been a “false flag” perpetrated by the government.

Bartram acknowledged he was legally carrying a pistol but denied waving it around, and said the gloves and knife could be explained. “I was eating prickly pears,” he said. The white powder was a protein supplement Bartram said he takes along with other Alex Jones’ branded nutritional supplements.

Witnesses at the community center said that people at the community center are still “terrified” and “frustrated.”  They added that “El Paso police officers were confrontational with the witnesses and eventually told them Bartram hadn’t broken any laws.”

Last anybody heard, he was headed to Portland for a rally there.

Bartram’s brother, Alex Bartram, 27, told NBC News in a phone interview that his brother had gone to El Paso with a group of Trump supporters he had been hanging out with lately.

“He’s not a violent person,” Alex Bartram said.

I ain’t turning my back on him, that’s for sure.


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0 Comments to “Meet My Neighbor”

  1. I was driving off the Seattle ferry when some fat old Trump supporter in a beat up convertible pulled up next to me and started screaming at me something about “…at least he’s for the working man.” Not sure which of my bumper stickers set him off. I think it was the one that said “I’ll show your president the same respect you showed mine.” Or the Bernie one. Or the Obama/Biden one.

  2. Now retired, I get around everywhere on my bike. A year or so ago, I happened to come across a pickup sitting on the sidewalk with the driver’s head down texting. As I went around the front of his truck, he looked up and got startled and said – “If you ever do that again, I’ll shoot you.” 0 to 60 just like that! He made his threat again at the intersection and I replied, “You do know that all these folks around you heard everything you said.”

    He went down a side street and disappeared.

    The young Bartram may get his life’s lesson earlier than he expected as he finds out how real life works for angry young men after recent events.

    Like so:
    Imprisonment, job loss and lawsuits: Charlottesville neo-Nazis have suffered miserably after infamous hate rally

  3. Well, when he does finally fulfill his dream of wreaking havoc on some poor innocents (and you know he will), the police will shrug and Daddy will be shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you, that people are accusing his darling little boy, who wouldn’t harm a fly, and, well, all that other stuff like threatening people was just funning around…so Daddy never saw it coming, nosirree bob.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    Ugh. I’m sorry that you have to put up with that. Looking on the bright side, if he’s taking the supplements that Alex Jones sells, lead poisoning will get him. sooner or later. Or Madam Karma may be biding her time.

  5. Opionated Hussy says:

    I’d love to know what that white powder really is.

  6. One of my seminary classmates is involved with Casa Carmelita. I know they were all pretty shook up as this was happening – and after. I sent Casa the link to this story. Thanks for writing this, JJ!

  7. Even though this is happening far from Manhattan island, we are a connected, small planet. This weekend is Tisha B’av, a fast day on the Hebrew calendar. We’re gathering to protest ICE. Health and peace, and may their memories be a blessing, and a call to action.

  8. I heard about this, but didn’t realize he had driven so far across the state.

    I remember the days before the Interstate system was completed. From El Paso to Beaumont took 3 days, as opposed to the current 18 hours.

    And I, too, would sure like to know what that white powder was. I can’t believe the police didn’t test it on the spot.

  9. Now imagine if this was a black man in Texas. Would the police response be the same? Terrorist threatening? Disturbing the peace because shoppers were screaming and running for their lives?

    “He had a gun, a knife, a bag of white powder, and was wearing latex gloves.

    Police detained him and then released him because it was determined that no criminal offense had been committed.”

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    I was at HEB Tuesday and saw a policeman with a canine slowly walking in the parking lot. I did the two step straight to my car. You just never know these days . . .

  11. These jackwagons will increasingly do this.
    KNOWING it terrifies people.
    Lawrence O’Donnell did a piece last night about the ICE raids. Terrifying children and their parents. Torture.
    Same thing with this.

  12. Sandridge says:

    Nobody remarked on this MAGAot’s lefthand ‘white power’ hand symbol.

    Something else, I think he’s wearing a fishing-style shirt from Academy Sports, a ‘Magellan Laguna Madre’ model [link below]. Looks exactly like some I just bought a bunch of [and others, all light-colored], on sale plus discounts, about $15/each.
    Curious thing about these shirts as I was readying them to wash, they’re labeled:
    “Made in Vietnam”, a thoroughly Communist country.
    He’s also wearing black [and has a black vehicle], something only a damned fool does here in So. Texas, given the hellacious solar insolation we have [it’s just noon and already 96degF]. No way I would wear black anything, even your feet will begin to burn if you’re wearing black shoes. Was just outside and if it weren’t for a good breeze it would be stifling.

    Zoomed that pic, the right bumpersticker seems to have a pic of Geo Washington, and says:: ‘He said my[?] [illegible] woulda stacking bodies by now.’, whatever that means?

    Shirt links:™-mens-laguna-madre-solid-short-sleeve-fishing-shirt#repChildCatid=4680673

  13. The Conservative says:

    He is a great American. America needs millions upon millions more like Thomas.

  14. Sandridge says:

    Rick @9, You know damned well it would be ‘shoot first, preferably 40 rounds +P+ minimum, ask questions later’…

    P.P. @11, “about the ICE raids”.
    My first thought when hearing about these raids was ‘could it be union related, as in union-busting’?
    Sure enough, the packing plants raided had recently gone ‘union’. Somehow ICE did exactly what the plant owners/PTB ‘wished’ for, eh?

  15. “Me and my homies woulda been stacking bodies by now.”

    I’d be willing to bet G. Washington never ever said anything like that. No idea what it’s supposed to mean.

  16. Sandridge says:

    PS: “Brandishing” a weapon, gun or knife, is an offense under Texas law, officially classed as “DISORDERLY CONDUCT”.

    I also can’t see how this Bartram MAGAot got away with just a cursory police interview.
    Unless it’s worse than we [even cynical moi] think it is, and having Trumpinalia festooned on your vehicle-person conveys immunity.

    Texas Penal Code Section 42.01(a)(8)

    The Penal Code reads, “DISORDERLY CONDUCT. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly…(8) displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm.”

  17. Sandridge says:

    The Conservative @13, I hope this is snark or satire…
    BillR @15, I have no idea either, but that’s what it appears to state. As far as my Irfanview zoom allows, gets blurry.

  18. megasoid says:

    OT Speaking of Monster and Bride of Monster deciding to take some time to show their asses:

    Anger as grinning Trump gives thumbs-up while Melania holds El Paso orphan

    Backlash over picture posted on first lady’s Twitter account.
    Doctors at the Del Sol medical center in El Paso, where some of the survivors are still being treated, later said the president appeared to “lack empathy” after he boasted during the visit that he drew a larger crowd at a January rally in the city than one held by “crazy” Beto O’Rourke.

    Greg Pinelo

    This is a photo of Trump grinning while Melania holds a baby orphaned by the shooting. A baby who was taken from home and forced to serve as a prop at a photo-op for the very monster whose hate killed her/his parents.

    I would need 280,000 characters to say how furious I am.

  19. Sam in Superior says:

    Can you imagine what would have happened if he was black or brown and did a similar action near a group of whites? He would be dead in a “justified” shooting or arrested by white cops and prosecuted.

    This little craphead will end up in prison, I just hope he never gets the opportunity to hurt someone else.

  20. The Surly Professor says:

    Sandridge: “Nobody remarked on this MAGAot’s lefthand ‘white power’ hand symbol.”

    For those who aren’t around the youngsters (defined as “under 40”) much, the OK sign has been co-opted by the hard right as a sign of white power. Gotta switch over to thumbs up to signal approval … unless you’re in a country where that means something far more negative and obscene.

  21. OFF topic:
    Joe Biden: “Poor kids are just as bright as white kids.”
    Please make it stop! Yes, he meant to say wealthy kids in every color of the rainbow. But he didn’t. This is the guy who takes pride in reaching across the aisle to work with segregationists on other issues. This is the man who thinks he won’t get the same treatment from Congress that President Obama got because … collegiality??? Please Joe, stop while you have a shred of respectability left.

  22. Old Fart says:

    Not being from an open carry state, what would stop another armed person from saying “I’m in fear for my life” and shooting him? Or is “the white privilege strong in this one”…

  23. megasoid says:

    Wally @21

    During a speech at the Iowa State Fair, the former Vice President said “we choose truth over facts,”

    Known for years as: The Great Gaffesby

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    An alleged adult with the arms of a rather puny child. Makes a person wonder if he has actually fired any of his collection, or if he likes those hard landings onto his posterior. He would be better served finding new friends and a few athletic pursuits to develop some muscle beyond that knot inside his head.

  25. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM @24,
    My thoughts too, what a scrawny, weakass POS, ain’t even got hair on his legs.
    The big truck and weaponry are dead certain to be 100% ‘penis compensatory devices’, like with so many others of his pathetic ilk.
    There’s even a resemblance to the El Paso RWNJ WN terrorist. ‘Somebody’ should be surveilling this whackjob 24/7, he surely fits the profile.

  26. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge@25, too many times, too many problem ‘children’ who should have been contained by a ‘rent or the local PD, all fitting an all too similar description. Sandy Hook, Parkland, the El Paso shooter; now this “kid” Bartram. Then beyond the carnage we have to endure the all too st00pid “didn’t see that coming” nonsense, when so much of this is preventable. “21” or not but dayum, my parents would have collected my guns and truck keys had I displayed 1/1000th of their bull$hit. No joke, the crazy bumper sticker alone would have seen to any involuntary commitment.

    Insurance company information (actuary tables, etc) should be available to legislators. There’s a reason guys don’t get a break on vehicle insurance until 25 and better if married.

    Good signage for the next confab with our elected varmints: “so much known, so little done.”

  27. Jill Ann says:

    Juanita, this is personally disturbing to me (other than for the obvious reason) because I live near you & therefore near this little a**hole. You would think the El Paso police would be way more “on it”, after what happened last week, than it appears they were. Wonder if the officers who responded to this incident are white supremacist sympathizers.

  28. charles phillips says:

    Juanita, please tell me you were kidding when you said he was headed off to Portland for a rally?

    Not Oregon, surely?

  29. Ain’t violent? Translation: ain’t violent yet. Just give him a minute. When he implodes all over the place with a body count, be sure to sue the police department that did nothing to prevent it. They could have given him a psych exam no the sidewalk next to his truck.

  30. Sandridge:
    I hadn’t considered that aspect of it. But it makes total sense.
    Anyone considering collective bargaining who happens to even look Hispanic in Donald f**king Trump’s America is bound to feel some degree of intimidation by the ICE raids in the most inclusive state in the Union.
    …. wait.

  31. To all whom it may concern:
    I was in a hurry @11.
    Make no mistake. Wannabe white supremist thugs are gonna come out of the woodwork. Like cockroaches.
    They’ll drive by vulnerable people like brownshirts, scaring them, then go home to their bed in mama’s basement.
    The Cruelty is the Point. The Atlantic.
    Look it up.

  32. Mark Schlemmer says:

    We are supposed to be inundated with Proud Boys and other noxious pea brains next week-end here in Portland. If they are coming all the way from Texas that does give me pause. But, this snowflake looks like Daddy finances his “patriotic travel” and perhaps he is not the ‘tip of the spear’ of a nationwide gathering.

    These things never go well here. The Portland cops, to my fairly objective old white guy eyes show themselves to be on the side of, and actively help the Klan types/wannabes/pin heads when there has been a throw down previously (three times a year) and, dreaded by Senator Ted Cruz the boys from Antifa will be ‘defending’ truth, justice, and the progressive way. The reporting on all of this, especially these
    three a year battles in the streets makes it very difficult to
    really know what is what. The interviews with the Proud Boys
    – and what a lame name THAT is – makes them come across as worthless thugs. They just want to punch some one, whoever Trump aims them at. Some of the Antifa people who
    have been willing to talk make me think they have thought through and can speak about the complex issues. Others, frankly, come across more or less like the other side.

    I just got a knee replacement. I won’t be there.

  33. “it was determined that no criminal offense had been committed”

    End of, then.

  34. AliceBeth says:

    Just saw a post about this little terrorist on Liberals in America FB page.

  35. Sandridge says:

    Mark Schlemmer @32, “But, this snowflake looks like Daddy finances his “patriotic travel” …”.

    That was my thought too, 21 years old, no apparent employment, probably not in any school, did the wormy git even finish high school?
    Think about the expenses:
    1. Stay at parent’s home, sponge off them, costs maybe a hundred or two $$ per week, for food, etc.
    2. Traveling around, acquire an arsenal, maintain a big truck, fuel, lodging expenses, restaurant food, etc., you’re looking at $500-1000+ per week of financial support for a skeevy parasite.
    Are this MAGAot’s parents stupid enough to subsidize this shitbird Asshole Boy? Oh wait, they’re Trumpanzees too, so yeah.

    [At that age my high-achiever kids were finishing university, beginning great careers and/or advanced degrees, some joining the military, contributing to their nation. Not prancing around with packs of other losers partaking in or planning terrorist bullshit, attempting to intimidate ordinary working people; acting out, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (except mindless vapid fear and cowardice).]

  36. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge@35 & others, but, but but … now you’re just trying to confuse me. “Family values” belong to the Republicons. They told me so. While your families and my ‘libtard’ parents seem pretty normal and everything the Republicons purport to be theirs. Such is the new “normal” being spewed by IQ4.5, when the ‘fine folks’ are the tiki torch terrorists and other ‘patriots’ such as the “Proud” boys. Apologies for all the air quotes, but when the up is down is down in their world irony is a bit rusty.

    Just a thought, but it’s time to communicate with the media and tell them to stop referring to anti-fascists by the acronym “Antifa.” That’s too subtle for the Republicons. This needs to be spelled out for the Cons; slowly and often. Anti-fascism, it was what we stood for in WWII. WTH happened?

  37. Bob Boland says:

    Jane and PKM –

    As has been the case in this country for decades, the wealthy want to control everything, including the wealth of the nation. So they use their wealth to try to take over the government. Benito Mussolini said it best many years ago – “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”. This has been the goal of people like the Koch brothers ever since there was a USA.

    As far as renaming Antifa, how about “Patriots”?

  38. Jane & PKM says:

    Bob Boland@37, Mussolini’s explanation works as a rationale for the Koch brothers and the .01%. Of course they miss what happened to Mussolini. But the rubes waiting for their ship to come in via lottery ticket or sweepstakes should take a closer look at the tax code. Maybe then they might at least expect the .01% to pay the same rate as they would on their windfall. Nah. Math and reality are not the thing among those who love to cling to their imaginary scapegoats.

    LOL. Yeah. Patriots. Except that has already been co-opted by the up is down Republicons. Words not “meaning what they think they mean” encompasses nearly the entire Webster Dictionary Unabridged.

  39. Steve from Beaverton (Oregon) says:

    By any definition, this punk for Trump was committing terrorism, especially after the mass killings in El Paso. OK, now he’s on his way to my community to join other like minded Trump supporters that are threatening to carry weapons (as they usually do) on 8/17 in Portland and Eugene, OR. These creepy white suprematist groups are mostly from out of state, so he’ll feel right at home. Their goal, besides showing their praise for Trump, is to terrorize this community.
    Hope the local law enforcement does their job.

  40. Sandridge says:

    I’m not a bettor/gambler, but how about a contest-poll of the odds that ‘our’ mighty moran from Fort Bend will get his wimpy ass kicked when he shows up in Portland, OR on Saturday for the RWWN ‘Proud Boys’ march-demonstration of RWNJ idiocy?

    I’ll hedge it and give good ol’ TB a 50-50 chance of getting his bonehead busted in Portland.

    BTW, extra points for guessing the odds that Mr, Bartram has ever been laid [farm animals excepted].
    I’d wager on -zero- times.
