Meddlesome Priest and Stuff

November 29, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I own some damn strong feelings about the First Amendment that puts a hefty strain between me and the rightwing.

For me, free speech was a concept developed by a high school literature teacher exposing me to Henry II and Thomas Beckett. By using the words “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?” Henry II let it be known that he needed Beckett dead but used plausible deniability by simply asking a question, not issuing an order. Of course, four of Henry’s knights immediately traveled from Normandy to Canterbury and killed Beckett.

It is my belief that your free speech cannot intentionally hurt a specific group of people. If you yell fire in a crowded theater, people in the theater will prematurely meet their maker. You do not have permission to make up lies about innocent people, call them out by name, and advertise their home addresses.

I recently heard your right to free speech have another simple explanation.  Speech is free; lies you have to pay for.  You do not have the right to slander or libel.

And, once again Twitter becomes the gold standard of misinformation from not very bright people.



… by the government.  Jeremy forgot to say that part.  The government cannot take retribution or censorship.

You and I, however, have the joy of being able to do both retribution and censorship. If my neighbor puts a sign in his yard that says, “My neighbor is a Libtard,” he has that right. I can fully and legally respond with, “But at least I’m not a Nazi with an ass as wide as a bayou.”  That’s retribution. I’m better than average at it.

If I should ever be the lucky random winner of a My Pillow, I will cut off the tags and donate the pillow to a homeless shelter. That’s censorship. The government is not stopping Mike Lindell, you and I are.  By the way, Lindell has announced that he’s running for RNC Chair.

Look, I’m sorry this is so long, but I didn’t have time for a short snappy one.


0 Comments to “Meddlesome Priest and Stuff”

  1. Would have been OK to be a bit longer and included a bit about Tucker and his “just asking”.

  2. My OCD: “liable” -> “libel”

    liable: adj. (a) responsible by law; (b) likely to do something.

    libel: n. a published or written defamatory lie.

  3. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    I’ll go fix it because that is one of my pet peeves, too. You’d think I had enough lawyers in my family that I’d see that.

  4. And Elon Musk thinks Apple not wanting to advertise on his site means Apple is against “free speech.” No, it means just the opposite. What corporation wants to be associated with a site that’s in a downward spiral due to an increase in hate speech?

    And Ron “DeSanctimonious” wants Apple investigated by Congress because it may pull the Twitter app from its Apple store. Used to was, the GOP was all in on big corporations. Remember “Corporations are people too, my friend?” Now, not so much.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    When my children were young they tried a little freedom of speech on me and I guarantee there was retribution and censorship. More of this needs to be done by pols and not just put on the shoulders of mothers!

  6. “By the Government.” I simply don’t understand how so many people forget that part when they get called out on their hate speech. Just like the gun nuts ignore the “well=trained militia” part of the 2nd Amendment.

    And, I’m really enjoying seeing Musk get schooled on this point.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Love these reactions to Musk whining and saying Apple must not believe in free speech:

  8. Juanitajeanherownself, you are wonderful and I love you. Being directed to your site years ago was one of the best things one of my friends did. (That is what best friends do.)

  9. Free speech = Alex Jones…NOT. If you got about $$$ a Billion dollars $$$ laying around maybe you can say what ever you want and not have to worry much about it.

    Why not? If Sarah Palin can run as VP, Biggest Loser tRump as President, and Louie Gohmert as State Representative, MyPillow Guy as RNC Chair is just a logical progression of Right Wing bigoted extremist Hate.
    We ain’t seen nothin yet!

  10. I taught my kids the 1st says the Congress of the United shall make no law…. It says nothing about your momma, teacher, boss or your spouse. They got the message. It’s astounding the number of people who don’t get it. Read somewhere a month or so ago, the Republicans next tactic to get people angry is to redefine free speech. Retribution is a no no.

  11. But at least I’m not a Nazi with an ass as wide as a bayou.”

    This should have come with a warning!

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Claiming the first amendment protected him in his efforts to overthrow the election of Joe Biden didn’t quite work out for Stuart Rhodes. He was convicted of sedition today along with another conspirator. Some justice finally.

  13. Steve from Beaverton, thanks for the good news! Now I have to go read all about it.

  14. As I and my friends like to phrase it, “free speech” does not mean people are also free from the CONSEQUENCES of whatever they might decide to spew from their mouth.
