Medaling With Nehls

May 04, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

You can often find Congressman Troy Nehls of Texas’s 22nd District with a cigar in his mouth and sporting his congressional member pin just above his Combat Infantryman Badge on his business suit’s lefthand lapel.

The cigar is beside the point. Whatever method Nehls chooses to shorten his lifespan is up to him. His body, his choice.

Likewise, the membership pin. No one here doubts that Nehls won his elections fair and square, even though he ran for his office in the same election as TFG in 2020. Nehls does not question the validity of his own win in that very same election.

No, the problem is the Combat Infantryman Badge he wears. This CBS News article spells it all out, so forgive me if I leave out the gruesome details that are laid bare by the article

Suffice it to say that Congressman Troy Nehls wears a Combat Infantryman Badge that the Pentagon rescinded in March 2023 because Nehls served as a civil affairs officer in Afghanistan at the time it was awarded, and not as an infantryman. This photo was taken of him in October 2023 when Nehls was holding handcuffs for Congressman Jamaal Bowman for his fire alarm pulling stunt that month. No cigar this time, but right there, below his congressional pin is the rescinded Combat Infantryman Badge.

And then there is Congressman Nehls’s 2nd Bronze Star. His military record shows that Nehls did earn a Bronze Star for his superlative skills managing Iraqi staff members and four coalition soldiers assigned to the Kirkuk Business Center in 2004. But if you look at any given discussion of Nehls’s military service on his congressional website, you’ll see that he claims to have a 2nd Bronze Star. CBS’s investigation of his military record found no such 2nd medal.

As a good friend of mine says, “Lying about your military record is stolen valor.” Me? I see this as the direct opposite of “Swiftboating”. In 2004, then Senator John Kerry was maligned for claiming war medals he did not earn in his Vietnam military service. He earned all of them, but the lie took hold.

So what is worse, stealing Valor or having Valor stolen from you?

0 Comments to “Medaling With Nehls”

  1. Barbara Jones says:

    Wow. There is no end to Republican hubris. How many other lies have not been investigated by the real media? There is just not enough time or reporter power to combat the MAGA “truths.”

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    A repugnantican lies more often than they use the bathroom. Who’d have thought? I read some other obnoxious thing about him in the last few days. I need to look it up and post it here.

  3. maggie says:

    I guess Santos wasn’t the only one vying for Liar of the Year award among the R’s. Apparently he had a lot of company.

  4. BarbinDC says:

    OK, this hits home. My Dad was fighting in France in 1944 (he got there after the D-Day landings) when his company ran out of ammo, was surrounded and had to surrender. He spent the rest of the war in a POW camp in Poland. It turned out that there was a question about if he served enough days in combat to have earned the badge. He was eventually awarded it; but, this was before I was born and my brother only told me about it after Dad died. I have the badge now. Used to be that you actually had to earn such a thing. A pox on the House of Nehls.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He/they (repugnantican politicians) have no concept of what honesty is. We’ll have to follow this to hear his rationalization of his lies. Problem is his voters don’t care because it’s all fake news.

  6. I hope the next time he flies the pilot gives him a tour of the cockpit and some wings to wear on his lapel for being such a good man on the flight.

  7. slipstream says:

    Whoa! Business center! Very impressive, dude! You deserve a medal!

  8. One part of GOPerverts *religion* – if it looks/sounds good ….

  9. Harry Eagar says:

    Texas tradition. Remember Lyndon’s Silver Star?

    The Combat Infantryman badge has suffered somewhat from grade inflation. The Close Combat badge is the one that still impresses.

  10. If I had a 7th grader handy, I would forward this to VoteVets. They love outing MAGA a$$hats that inflate their perfectly decent military time into Audie Murphy level pseudo glory.

  11. @BarbinDC, I so know what you mean. I recently saw that some R was trying to promote Killer Kyle for a Medal of Freedom. I have to admit that it brings bile into my throat just thinking of it. My Dad was in both Korea and Viet Nam, a medic in the field was his Korean service and supply sargent in Viet Nam, 2 tours. Thinking about this guy exaggerating his service makes me want to rip that medal right off him. What on earth do they think? False valor is not valor at all it makes him scum IMHO
