Meanwhile, in Vermont …
The only thing more scarce than a liberal Democrat in Texas is a Republican in Vermont – especially a Tea Party Republican.
But they have one far rightwing one named KrisAnne Hall and her group has 12 LIKES on Facebook. A dozen. Total.
So when the local Vermont Republican Party invited her to speak, they seem to be culling the herd down to less than a dozen votes.
Well, she used to be an assistant state’s attorney in Florida. She was fired in 2010 for giving political speeches at Tea Party rallies “educating ‘citizen groups’ about the Constitution,” and defying her boss’ order that she stop doing so. She used her firing as a springboard into a new career as a public speaker and living martyr for the Cause.
Her website goes wild all over the GOP. They are far too liberal for her.
So, if the Vermont GOP is turning right, ain’t they sending the breeding stock over to the Democrats?
And can’t Vermont send some to Texas?
Why not?
Thanks to Carol in Vermont for the heads up.