Me! Me! Lindsey ! Pick me!
So, since Lindsey Graham is not married and never has been, a reporter asked him who would be first lady if he’s elected President.
Lindsey answered ….
Thinking it over, the Republican senator told Daily Mail Online: ‘Well, I’ve got a sister, she could play that role if necessary.’
Chuckling, he added: ‘I’ve got a lot of friends. We’ll have a rotating first lady.’
I cannot say for sure but I think he meant rotating as getting a new one every now and then, as opposed to a first lady who spends her days turning in circles, although admittedly that would be entertaining.
Next thing I know, my friend Glen Maxey asks where he can apply.
I’d be glad to put in a good word for Glen but I don’t think he’d be as entertaining as a spinning first lady.