McCarthy Caves

September 12, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Biden, Impeachment, Trump, Uncategorized

Lacking enough votes to open an impeachment “inquiry” by multiple House committees, Kevin McCarthy opened it by fiat today, under mutinous pressure from the Crazy MAGA wing of what’s left of the GOP.  I actually burst out laughing at his reasoning when he said,

“House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct.  Taken together, these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption.”

“Allegations.”  “A culture of corruption.” Right now all the red Irony Lights are flashing and Hypocrisy Sirens are howling.  Without a vote, McCarthy is trying to keep his job by feeding the alligators that are threatening to devour him if he doesn’t do TFG’s bidding.  Remember that TFG is the guy impeached twice for extortion of a foreign government and insurrection, under indictment for 91 felonies, liable for sexual assault and defamation, being sued for massive financial fraud in New York, and who had his “charitable” foundation shut down for fraud.  Add that to his history of screwing investors and contractors, friendship with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, lusting after young girls, and stuffing his pockets with other people’s money, and you have the actual walking, talking textbook example of corruption.

But, hey, let’s go after Biden after a 5 year full on effort to dig dirt on him without unearthing one credible shred of evidence, just to placate the actual criminal.

I say, bring it on.  The shit show will be epic.

0 Comments to “McCarthy Caves”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    And Putin smiled. If you haven’t read On Tyranny by Tim Snyder, put it on your list.

  2. Right. Because Congress ain’t got nothing better to do than play fiddle while Rome burns.

  3. Ted, not Cruz says:

    Bring it on. Show some evidence, GOP.

  4. Badges? Don’t need no badges!! Evidence, don’t need no stinking evidence! Benghazi Benghazi Lock her up!! Same ol same old.

  5. Thanks, Kev & the Free Dumb Caucus, for sinking th re-elections of all those Rs who won in Biden districts.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The Qgop and magats in particular have never gotten over Obama winning two terms. They were pissed when they couldn’t lock up HRC for Benghazi or her emails or conspiracies about the pedophile pizza parlor or Anthony weenie. But they did put a psychopath in the White House. Then came the impeachments which basically were slaps on the wrist for TFFG, but that put really bunched their undies. Than the lawsuits and indictments. Their hair has been on fire. So they don’t need proof or anything for their constituents for the house of vengeance to go after Joe Biden. After all, he’s the father of Hunter. Oh, did I say how much they hate peoples like me? You know, Democrats. Who said shit show because that’s exactly what it is.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Wish I’d proofread better before hitting submit! My thumb and spellcheck are out of sync.

  8. Steve from Beaverton, are you referring to Anthony weenie? Because I thought it was funny, appropriate and deliberate. Own it.

  9. Nick Carraway says:

    I still remember when the student body president in college told us at the newspaper that we should be making more news. I don’t think he fully grasped what he was suggesting. Want us to make news do ya? Oh, we can create some “news”

    The terms serious and allegations are doing all of the heavy lifting. The credible should be in two point font. I can create some serious allegations that have about as much connection to facts as what McCarthy has. I say McCarthy is having sex with raccoons. Ludicrous? Sure. Rooted in fact? Not a chance. But it’s a serious allegation. So maybe we can start an inquiry. Who’s with me?

  10. Can Kevin even look at himself in the mirror when he brushes his teeth?

  11. van heldorf says:

    Nick, count me in since you use proper, grammatically structured and correctly spelled pejoratives. By the way, where did you get the idea regarding the raccoons? Sure sounds plausible with the tfg clan.

  12. McCarthy?

    People are talking, so we better investigate.
    I’ll have more to reveal, and add to these serious allegations (for now) in 2 weeks, but we should begin the investigations immediately!

  13. Raccoons!
    I have almost daily relations with those masked bandits, but NOT the Rethug kind! I can’t imagine a raccoon letting a Rethug get close.

    As part of feeding some barncats, I incidentally feed a varying herd of raccoons, who luv catfood, and messing up the waterbowls [this weather has been tough on all the critters].
    Been closest lately to a mama and two young raccoons, have watched the babies grow since spring; they almost let me pet them.

    Going back into my house early in the morning, usually before sunrise, it can get too close. The furry boogers often try to get out of my way.
    My front door has a long atrium leading to it, ~25’x8′ w/half=sidewalk, they often run ahead of me, to near the door, and get trapped.
    I have to stand real still, legs slightly wide [crocs, bare legs, shorts] or to the side.
    They turn around and slowly file back towards freedom, right between my feet [that soft fur tickles]. I don’t twitch a muscle, they’re still wild animals with long fangs, one bit of panic and I could get chomped. So that’s closer than most ever get to the little bandits, and usually happens once a week or so.

  14. Another Benghazi coming up which will last until the election in order to try and discredit President Biden. The GOP are nothing more than a group of disgusting people that will do anything to stay in power. Shamefully Texas participants include M. Cloud, T. Nehls, C. Roy, R. Weber, and last but not least R. Jackson.

    We can only hope that after the crucifixion of Hillary Clinton in 2016 people are a little smarter – but I wouldn’t put money on it.

  15. Of course McCarthy’s having sex with racoons. Everybody knows that cause everybody’s talking about it. And there’s been investigations going for awhile now (at least three hours), and Coondog Kevin hasn’t denied it.
    Not once
    Why won’t he deny it?
    If he was innocent he woulda already had statements out with interviews lined up.
    But total silence on the subject, which is wildly outta character for that guy.
    THAT TELLS ME the he’s probably got a litter of coonpuppies in hiding in a high-end barn somewhere in nearby Virginia. I mean he’d want em a continent away from his constituency.

    Well that’s what I HEARD!!!

  16. So thats where the racoon family that was living in my attic for a spell went. They caught McCarthy’s scent!

  17. Nick Carraway says:

    Sources are telling me now that those sexual advances on those fur balls was unwanted. We have a whistleblower that says he tied the varmints down. We can’t seem to find the whistleblower now, but he seems like a stand up guy. He’s only been charged with fraud, perjury, and espionage. He was selling secrets to North Korea, but we are sure this information is on the up and up.

    This is a conspiracy! The fact that we can’t find this guy is proof that the McCarthy crime family doesn’t want you to find him. Did they have him killed? It’s certainly possible. We must investigate now!

  18. Republicans weaponizing the Government, eh?

    But it’s Benghazi!!! style propaganda. They get to demonize the Biden’s on TV for hours and days and years. Words change brains.

    Alex Wagner video nails it around the 8:00 minute mark.
    ‘The plan to defeat Biden’

  19. Oops, around the 5:00 minute mark.

  20. Harry Eagar says:

    If you haven’t been reading Professor Marcy Wheeler and friends at, you should. Today’s story I haven’t seen anywhere else: Abbe Lowell sues the goober who bragged he hacked HBiden’s encrypted iPhone messages.

    Combined with yesterday’s assault on the credibility of Shapley the pretend whistleblower, I am now prepared to bet one thousand Ameros that Weiss will NOT indict HBiden by the Oct. 12 sunset.

  21. @Harry #20 – went to and got a “Domain for Sale” notice. Googled some and discovered Marcy Wheeler is at Checking it out now! Thanks!

  22. AlanInAustin says:

    Let the circus being, with every Democrat doing this:

    DEM: Isn’t it true that Hunter Biden collected TWO BILLION DOLLARS from a known Saudi murderer?
    WITNESS: I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
    DEM: My mistake — I was thinking of what Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner did when he worked in the White House.

    Repeat this EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME varying from one TFG story to another. DRILL IT HOME. Turn this into a made-for-TV review of TFG’s corruption/graft. DO NOT STOP and don’t let yourselves get gaveled down.

  23. Harry Eagar says:

    AlaninAustin @ 22

    Believe it or not, Carl Higbie on Newsmax last week said exactly that — that HBiden had accepted $2 billion from the Ay-rabs.

  24. Hear! Hear! Or is it hear ye! Hear ye? Anyways great strategy Alanin Austin!! Spoon each and every morsel back down their lying ass throats. Until they gag. Please omit the nude pictures of any Trump family member
