McAllen, Texas: One Bad Sneeze From Being Somalia

February 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General and Governor wannabe has found a whole new group of people to piss off.

In a recorded speech, he compared South Texas with a third world country.  And not in the good way.

220px-Abbott_(cropped)In an attempt to make a new punching bag for conservatives, Abbott claims that problems with law enforcement along the Texas border “resembles third-world country practices that erode the social fabric of our communities and destroys Texans’ trust in government.”

The McAllen Monitor was the first to jump high enough to catch geese with a net.

As we have said on our Opinion page several times before, this year’s election should not fall into that traditional zone of venomous nativist rhetoric that inflames the passions of white conservatives at the expense of the state’s growing Hispanic population.

Abbott has been guilty of such practices in the past and we need to declare as a region that we are tired of having Hispanics act as the bogeymen of Texas.

You know, I heard that Abbott’s new campaign slogan is “If it Ain’t White, It Ain’t Right.”  I could be wrong about that.  But, probably not.

Thanks to Web T. for the heads up.

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