Maybe We Should Send Greg Abbott to Law School

April 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott is not the sharpest knife in he drawer.  In fact, he’s not even sharp enough to be a fork.  He’s the spoon, lapping up a government paycheck without working up a sweat.

He is defending the silly Republican redistricting fight, one in which the GOP is too embarrassed to reveal what they said in emails to each other.  But, Abbott is not doing much defending because he’s not much of a lawyer.  He’s is, however, privatizing the Attorney General’s office.

As Attorney General Greg Abbott fights for the GOP-championed redistricting plan, Texas taxpayers are spending big money on outside lawyers to help the state’s case.

So far, the tally for outside counsel in the redistricting battle is more than three-quarters of a million dollars, according to records released to the Houston Chronicle under the Texas Public Information Act. That includes bills paid, plus amounts the state has agreed to pay.

It’s no secret that Abbott wants to run for Governor in 2016.  It’s also no secret that he’ll expect kickbacks from some of these outside law firm fees to his campaign account.

Oddly, Abbott ran as a “Don’t Tread On Me” candidate.

How ’bout not treading on my wallet, Greg?  How ’bout that?

If you ever think about opening a hypocrite farm, you can use Greg Abbott for breeding stock.

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